rd[i * DESTSUBVL + 0] = rs1[i * SRCSUBVL + elements[0]];
->> ok, i like that idea - adding to TODO list
+ > ok, i like that idea - adding to TODO list
element selectors. MV.X is meant more as a last-resort instruction that is
better than load/store, but worse than everything else.
->> ok, then we'll need a way to do that. given that it needs to apply
->> to, well... everything, basically, i'm tempted to recommend it be
->> done as a CSR and/or as (another) table in VBLOCK.
->> the reason is, it's just too much to expect to massively duplicate
->> literally every single opcode in existence, just to add swizzle
->> when there's no room in the opcode space to do so.
->> not sure what alternatives there might be.
+ > ok, then we'll need a way to do that. given that it needs to apply
+ > to, well... everything, basically, i'm tempted to recommend it be
+ > done as a CSR and/or as (another) table in VBLOCK.
+ > the reason is, it's just too much to expect to massively duplicate
+ > literally every single opcode in existence, just to add swizzle
+ > when there's no room in the opcode space to do so.
+ > not sure what alternatives there might be.
backing registers, so SETVL has the maxVL as an immediate value. There is no
maxVL CSR needed for just SVPrefix.
->> when looking at a loop assembly sequence
->> i think you'll find this approach will not work.
->> RVV loops on which SV loops are directly based needs understanding
->> of the use of MIN within the actual SETVL instruction.
->> Yes MVL is known at compile time
->> however unless MVL is communicates to the hardware, SETVL just
->> does not work: it has absolutely no way of knowing when to stop
->> processing. The point being: it's not *MVL* that's the problem
->> if MVL is not a CSR, it's *VL* that becomes the problem.
->> The only other option which does work is to set a mandatory
->> hardcoded MVL baked into the actual hardware.
->> That results in loss of flexibility and defeats the purpose of SV.
+ > when looking at a loop assembly sequence
+ > i think you'll find this approach will not work.
+ > RVV loops on which SV loops are directly based needs understanding
+ > of the use of MIN within the actual SETVL instruction.
+ > Yes MVL is known at compile time
+ > however unless MVL is communicates to the hardware, SETVL just
+ > does not work: it has absolutely no way of knowing when to stop
+ > processing. The point being: it's not *MVL* that's the problem
+ > if MVL is not a CSR, it's *VL* that becomes the problem.
+ > The only other option which does work is to set a mandatory
+ > hardcoded MVL baked into the actual hardware.
+ > That results in loss of flexibility and defeats the purpose of SV.
I would say that the only user-visible CSR needed is VL. This is ignoring
all the state for context-switching and exception handling.
->> the consequence of that would be that P48/64 would need
->> its own CSR State to track the subelement index.
->> or that any exceptions would need to occur on a group
->> basis, which is less than ideal,
->> and interrupts would have to be stalled.
->> interacting with SUBVL and requiring P48/64 to save the
->> STATE CSR if needed is a workable compromise that
->> does not result in huge CSR proliferation
+ > the consequence of that would be that P48/64 would need
+ > its own CSR State to track the subelement index.
+ > or that any exceptions would need to occur on a group
+ > basis, which is less than ideal,
+ > and interrupts would have to be stalled.
+ > interacting with SUBVL and requiring P48/64 to save the
+ > STATE CSR if needed is a workable compromise that
+ > does not result in huge CSR proliferation