The top level decoder object recursively drops through progressive levels of case statement groups, covering additional portions of the incoming instruction bits. More on this technique - for which python and nmigen were *specifically* and strategically chosen - is outlined here <>
+The PowerDecoder2, on encountering for example an ADD
+operation, needs to know whether Rc=0/1, whether OE=0/1, whether
+RB is to be read, whether an immediate is to be read and so on.
+With all of this information being specified in the CSV files, on
+a per-instruction basis, it is simply a matter of expanding that
+information out into a data structure called Decode2ToExecute1Type.
+From there it becomes easily possible for other parts of the processor
+to take appropriate action.
+* [Decode2ToExecute1Type](;a=blob;f=src/soc/decoder/;hb=HEAD)
## Link to Function Units
The Decoder (PowerDecode2) knows which registers are needed, however what
That dynamically-determined information will then actively disable
(or allow) Register file Read requests (rd.req) on a per-port basis.
+ class ALUInputData(IntegerData):
+ regspec = [('INT', 'ra', '0:63'), # RA
+ ('INT', 'rb', '0:63'), # RB/immediate
+ ('XER', 'xer_so', '32'), # XER bit 32: SO
+ ('XER', 'xer_ca', '34,45')] # XER bit 34/45: CA/CA32
+This shows us that, for the ALU pipeline, it expects two INTEGER
+operands (RA and RB) both 64-bit, and it expects XER SO, CA and CA32
+bits. However this information - as to which operands are required -
+is *dynamic*.
+Continuing from the OP_ADD example, where inspection of the CSV files
+(or the ISA tables) shows that we optionally need xer_so (OE=1),
+optionally need xer_ca (Rc=1), and even optionally need RB (add with
+immediate), we begin to understand that a dynamic system linking the
+PowerDecoder2 information to the Function Units is needed. This is
+where power\_regspec\ comes into play.
+ def regspec_decode_read(e, regfile, name):
+ if regfile == 'INT':
+ # Int register numbering is *unary* encoded
+ if name == 'ra': # RA
+ return e.read_reg1.ok, 1<<
+ if name == 'rb': # RB
+ return e.read_reg2.ok, 1<<
+Here we can see that, for INTEGER registers, if the Function Unit
+has a connection (an incoming operand) named "RA", the tuple returned
+contains two crucial pieces of information:
+1. The field from PowerDecoder2 which tells us if RA is even actually
+ required by this (decoded) instruction
+2. The INTEGER Register file read port activation signal (its read-enable
+ line-activation) which, if sent to the INTEGER Register file, will
+ request the actual register required by this current (decoded)
+ instruction.
+Thus we have the *dynamic* information - not hardcoded in RTL but
+specified in *python* - encoding both if (first item of tuple) and
+what (second item of tuple) each Function Unit receives, and this
+for each and every operand. A corresponding process exists for write,
+as well.
* [[architecture/regfile]]
* [CompUnits](;a=blob;f=src/soc/fu/compunits/;hb=HEAD)
-* [ALU specification](;a=blob;f=src/soc/fu/alu/;hb=HEAD)
+* Example [ALU specification](;a=blob;f=src/soc/fu/alu/;hb=HEAD)
+* [](;a=blob;f=src/soc/decoder/;hb=HEAD)
## Fixed point instructions