+++ /dev/null
-From 8d6f2e3fe8851b581309da25fc4c32f8be675932 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Brian Goff <cpuguy83@gmail.com>
-Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2016 16:31:42 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] Fix issues with tailing rotated jsonlog file
-Fixes a race where the log reader would get events for both an actual
-rotation as we from fsnotify (`fsnotify.Rename`).
-This issue becomes extremely apparent when rotations are fast, for
-$ docker run -d --name test --log-opt max-size=1 --log-opt max-file=2
-busybox sh -c 'while true; do echo hello; usleep 100000; done'
-With this change the log reader for jsonlogs can handle rotations that
-happen as above.
-Instead of listening for both fs events AND rotation events
-simultaneously, potentially meaning we see 2 rotations for only a single
-rotation due to channel buffering, only listen for fs events (like
-`Rename`) and then wait to be notified about rotation by the logger.
-This makes sure that we don't see 2 rotations for 1, and that we don't
-start trying to read until the logger is actually ready for us to.
-Signed-off-by: Brian Goff <cpuguy83@gmail.com>
-This commit is pending upstream commit fixing broken log tailing. The
-original commit can be found in the PR here:
- - https://github.com/docker/docker/pull/24514
-Signed-off-by: Christian Stewart <christian@paral.in>
- daemon/logger/jsonfilelog/read.go | 180 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
- 1 file changed, 119 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/daemon/logger/jsonfilelog/read.go b/daemon/logger/jsonfilelog/read.go
-index bea83dd..0cb44af 100644
---- a/daemon/logger/jsonfilelog/read.go
-+++ b/daemon/logger/jsonfilelog/read.go
-@@ -3,11 +3,14 @@ package jsonfilelog
- import (
- "bytes"
- "encoding/json"
-+ "errors"
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "os"
- "time"
-+ "gopkg.in/fsnotify.v1"
- "github.com/Sirupsen/logrus"
- "github.com/docker/docker/daemon/logger"
- "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/filenotify"
-@@ -44,6 +47,10 @@ func (l *JSONFileLogger) ReadLogs(config logger.ReadConfig) *logger.LogWatcher {
- func (l *JSONFileLogger) readLogs(logWatcher *logger.LogWatcher, config logger.ReadConfig) {
- defer close(logWatcher.Msg)
-+ // lock so the read stream doesn't get corrupted do to rotations or other log data written while we read
-+ // This will block writes!!!
-+ l.mu.Lock()
- pth := l.writer.LogPath()
- var files []io.ReadSeeker
- for i := l.writer.MaxFiles(); i > 1; i-- {
-@@ -61,6 +68,7 @@ func (l *JSONFileLogger) readLogs(logWatcher *logger.LogWatcher, config logger.R
- latestFile, err := os.Open(pth)
- if err != nil {
- logWatcher.Err <- err
-+ l.mu.Unlock()
- return
- }
-@@ -80,6 +88,7 @@ func (l *JSONFileLogger) readLogs(logWatcher *logger.LogWatcher, config logger.R
- if err := latestFile.Close(); err != nil {
- logrus.Errorf("Error closing file: %v", err)
- }
-+ l.mu.Unlock()
- return
- }
-@@ -87,7 +96,6 @@ func (l *JSONFileLogger) readLogs(logWatcher *logger.LogWatcher, config logger.R
- latestFile.Seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
- }
-- l.mu.Lock()
- l.readers[logWatcher] = struct{}{}
- l.mu.Unlock()
-@@ -128,92 +136,142 @@ func tailFile(f io.ReadSeeker, logWatcher *logger.LogWatcher, tail int, since ti
- }
- }
-+func watchFile(name string) (filenotify.FileWatcher, error) {
-+ fileWatcher, err := filenotify.New()
-+ if err != nil {
-+ return nil, err
-+ }
-+ if err := fileWatcher.Add(name); err != nil {
-+ logrus.WithField("logger", "json-file").Warnf("falling back to file poller due to error: %v", err)
-+ fileWatcher.Close()
-+ fileWatcher = filenotify.NewPollingWatcher()
-+ if err := fileWatcher.Add(name); err != nil {
-+ fileWatcher.Close()
-+ logrus.Debugf("error watching log file for modifications: %v", err)
-+ return nil, err
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return fileWatcher, nil
- func followLogs(f *os.File, logWatcher *logger.LogWatcher, notifyRotate chan interface{}, since time.Time) {
- dec := json.NewDecoder(f)
- l := &jsonlog.JSONLog{}
-- fileWatcher, err := filenotify.New()
-+ name := f.Name()
-+ fileWatcher, err := watchFile(name)
- if err != nil {
- logWatcher.Err <- err
-+ return
- }
- defer func() {
- f.Close()
- fileWatcher.Close()
- }()
-- name := f.Name()
-- if err := fileWatcher.Add(name); err != nil {
-- logrus.WithField("logger", "json-file").Warnf("falling back to file poller due to error: %v", err)
-- fileWatcher.Close()
-- fileWatcher = filenotify.NewPollingWatcher()
-+ var retries int
-+ handleRotate := func() error {
-+ f.Close()
-+ fileWatcher.Remove(name)
-+ // retry when the file doesn't exist
-+ for retries := 0; retries <= 5; retries++ {
-+ f, err = os.Open(name)
-+ if err == nil || !os.IsNotExist(err) {
-+ break
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if err != nil {
-+ return err
-+ }
- if err := fileWatcher.Add(name); err != nil {
-- logrus.Debugf("error watching log file for modifications: %v", err)
-- logWatcher.Err <- err
-- return
-+ return err
- }
-+ dec = json.NewDecoder(f)
-+ return nil
- }
-- var retries int
-- for {
-- msg, err := decodeLogLine(dec, l)
-- if err != nil {
-- if err != io.EOF {
-- // try again because this shouldn't happen
-- if _, ok := err.(*json.SyntaxError); ok && retries <= maxJSONDecodeRetry {
-- dec = json.NewDecoder(f)
-- retries++
-- continue
-+ errRetry := errors.New("retry")
-+ errDone := errors.New("done")
-+ waitRead := func() error {
-+ select {
-+ case e := <-fileWatcher.Events():
-+ switch e.Op {
-+ case fsnotify.Write:
-+ dec = json.NewDecoder(f)
-+ return nil
-+ case fsnotify.Rename, fsnotify.Remove:
-+ <-notifyRotate
-+ if err := handleRotate(); err != nil {
-+ return err
- }
-- // io.ErrUnexpectedEOF is returned from json.Decoder when there is
-- // remaining data in the parser's buffer while an io.EOF occurs.
-- // If the json logger writes a partial json log entry to the disk
-- // while at the same time the decoder tries to decode it, the race condition happens.
-- if err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF && retries <= maxJSONDecodeRetry {
-- reader := io.MultiReader(dec.Buffered(), f)
-- dec = json.NewDecoder(reader)
-- retries++
-- continue
-+ return nil
-+ }
-+ return errRetry
-+ case err := <-fileWatcher.Errors():
-+ logrus.Debug("logger got error watching file: %v", err)
-+ // Something happened, let's try and stay alive and create a new watcher
-+ if retries <= 5 {
-+ fileWatcher, err = watchFile(name)
-+ if err != nil {
-+ return err
- }
-- return
-+ retries++
-+ return errRetry
- }
-+ return err
-+ case <-logWatcher.WatchClose():
-+ fileWatcher.Remove(name)
-+ return errDone
-+ }
-+ }
-- select {
-- case <-fileWatcher.Events():
-- dec = json.NewDecoder(f)
-- continue
-- case <-fileWatcher.Errors():
-- logWatcher.Err <- err
-- return
-- case <-logWatcher.WatchClose():
-- fileWatcher.Remove(name)
-- return
-- case <-notifyRotate:
-- f.Close()
-- fileWatcher.Remove(name)
-- // retry when the file doesn't exist
-- for retries := 0; retries <= 5; retries++ {
-- f, err = os.Open(name)
-- if err == nil || !os.IsNotExist(err) {
-- break
-- }
-+ handleDecodeErr := func(err error) error {
-+ if err == io.EOF {
-+ for err := waitRead(); err != nil; {
-+ if err == errRetry {
-+ // retry the waitRead
-+ continue
- }
-+ return err
-+ }
-+ return nil
-+ }
-+ // try again because this shouldn't happen
-+ if _, ok := err.(*json.SyntaxError); ok && retries <= maxJSONDecodeRetry {
-+ dec = json.NewDecoder(f)
-+ retries++
-+ return nil
-+ }
-+ // io.ErrUnexpectedEOF is returned from json.Decoder when there is
-+ // remaining data in the parser's buffer while an io.EOF occurs.
-+ // If the json logger writes a partial json log entry to the disk
-+ // while at the same time the decoder tries to decode it, the race condition happens.
-+ if err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF && retries <= maxJSONDecodeRetry {
-+ reader := io.MultiReader(dec.Buffered(), f)
-+ dec = json.NewDecoder(reader)
-+ retries++
-+ return nil
-+ }
-+ return err
-+ }
-- if err = fileWatcher.Add(name); err != nil {
-- logWatcher.Err <- err
-- return
-- }
-- if err != nil {
-- logWatcher.Err <- err
-+ // main loop
-+ for {
-+ msg, err := decodeLogLine(dec, l)
-+ if err != nil {
-+ if err := handleDecodeErr(err); err != nil {
-+ if err == errDone {
- return
- }
-- dec = json.NewDecoder(f)
-- continue
-+ // we got an unrecoverable error, so return
-+ logWatcher.Err <- err
-+ return
- }
-+ // ready to try again
-+ continue
- }
- retries = 0 // reset retries since we've succeeded