In the following tables register numbers are constructed from the
standard v3.0B / v3.1B 32 bit register field (RA, FRA) and the EXTRA2
-or EXTRA3 field from the SV Prefix. The prefixing is arranged so that
+or EXTRA3 field from the SV Prefix, determined by the specific
+RM-xx-yyyy designation for a given instruction.
+The prefixing is arranged so that
interoperability between prefixing and nonprefixing of scalar registers
is direct and convenient (when the EXTRA field is all zeros).
Future versions may extend to 256 by shifting Vector numbering up.
Scalar will not be altered.
+Note that in some cases the range of starting points for Vectors
+is limited.
-alternative which is understandable and, if EXTRA3 is zero, maps to
-"no effect" (scalar OpenPOWER ISA field naming). also, these are the
-encodings used in the original SV Prefix scheme. the reason why they
-were chosen is so that scalar registers in v3.0B and prefixed scalar
-registers have access to the same 32 registers.
+If EXTRA3 is zero, maps to
+"scalar identity" (scalar OpenPOWER ISA field naming).
Fields are as follows:
-alternative which is understandable and, if EXTRA2 is zero will map to
-"no effect" i.e Scalar OpenPOWER register naming:
+If EXTRA2 is zero will map to
+"scalar identity behaviour" i.e Scalar OpenPOWER register naming:
| Value | Mode | Range/inc | 6..0 |
## CR Field EXTRA3
CR Field encoding is essentially the same but made more complex due to CRs being bit-based. See [[svp64/appendix]] for explanation and pseudocode.
+Note that Vectors may only start from CR0, CR4, CR8, CR12, CR16...
Encoding shown MSB down to LSB
CR encoding is essentially the same but made more complex due to CRs being bit-based. See separate section for explanation and pseudocode.
+Note that Vectors may only start from CR0, CR8, CR16, CR24, CR32...
Encoding shown MSB down to LSB