if (ret[0].getType().isString())
- Node tcontains[2];
- bool tcontainsOneTrue = false;
- unsigned tcontainsTrueIndex = 0;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2; i++)
- {
- Node tc = nm->mkNode(STRING_STRCTN, ret[i], ret[1 - i]);
- tcontains[i] = Rewriter::rewrite(tc);
- if (tcontains[i].isConst())
- {
- if (tcontains[i].getConst<bool>())
- {
- tcontainsOneTrue = true;
- tcontainsTrueIndex = i;
- }
- else
- {
- new_ret = tcontains[i];
- // if str.contains( x, y ) ---> false then x = y ---> false
- // Notice we may not catch this in the rewriter for strings
- // equality, since it only calls the specific rewriter for
- // contains and not the full rewriter.
- debugExtendedRewrite(ret, new_ret, "eq-contains-one-false");
- return new_ret;
- }
- }
- }
- if (tcontainsOneTrue)
- {
- // if str.contains( x, y ) ---> true
- // then x = y ---> contains( y, x )
- new_ret = tcontains[1 - tcontainsTrueIndex];
- debugExtendedRewrite(ret, new_ret, "eq-contains-one-true");
- return new_ret;
- }
- else if (tcontains[0] == tcontains[1] && tcontains[0] != ret)
- {
- // if str.contains( x, y ) ---> t and str.contains( y, x ) ---> t,
- // then x = y ---> t
- new_ret = tcontains[0];
- debugExtendedRewrite(ret, new_ret, "eq-dual-contains-eq");
- return new_ret;
- }
std::vector<Node> c[2];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2; i++)
strings::TheoryStringsRewriter::getConcat(ret[i], c[i]);
+ // ------- equality unification
bool changed = false;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2; i++)
return new_ret;
- // homogeneous constants
+ // ------- using the contains rewriter to reduce equalities
+ Node tcontains[2];
+ bool tcontainsOneTrue = false;
+ unsigned tcontainsTrueIndex = 0;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ {
+ Node tc = nm->mkNode(STRING_STRCTN, ret[i], ret[1 - i]);
+ tcontains[i] = Rewriter::rewrite(tc);
+ if (tcontains[i].isConst())
+ {
+ if (tcontains[i].getConst<bool>())
+ {
+ tcontainsOneTrue = true;
+ tcontainsTrueIndex = i;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ new_ret = tcontains[i];
+ // if str.contains( x, y ) ---> false then x = y ---> false
+ // Notice we may not catch this in the rewriter for strings
+ // equality, since it only calls the specific rewriter for
+ // contains and not the full rewriter.
+ debugExtendedRewrite(ret, new_ret, "eq-contains-one-false");
+ return new_ret;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (tcontainsOneTrue)
+ {
+ // if str.contains( x, y ) ---> true
+ // then x = y ---> contains( y, x )
+ new_ret = tcontains[1 - tcontainsTrueIndex];
+ debugExtendedRewrite(ret, new_ret, "eq-contains-one-true");
+ return new_ret;
+ }
+ else if (tcontains[0] == tcontains[1] && tcontains[0] != ret)
+ {
+ // if str.contains( x, y ) ---> t and str.contains( y, x ) ---> t,
+ // then x = y ---> t
+ new_ret = tcontains[0];
+ debugExtendedRewrite(ret, new_ret, "eq-dual-contains-eq");
+ return new_ret;
+ }
+ // ------- homogeneous constants
if (d_aggr)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2; i++)
if (ret[i].isConst())
bool isHomogeneous = true;
- std::vector<unsigned> vec = ret[i].getConst<String>().getVec();
+ unsigned hchar = 0;
+ String lhss = ret[i].getConst<String>();
+ std::vector<unsigned> vec = lhss.getVec();
if (vec.size() > 1)
- unsigned hchar = vec[0];
+ hchar = vec[0];
for (unsigned j = 1, size = vec.size(); j < size; j++)
if (vec[j] != hchar)
- if (isHomogeneous && !std::is_sorted(c[1-i].begin(),c[1-i].end()))
+ if (isHomogeneous)
+ std::sort(c[1 - i].begin(), c[1 - i].end());
+ std::vector<Node> trimmed;
+ unsigned rmChar = 0;
+ for (unsigned j = 0, size = c[1 - i].size(); j < size; j++)
+ {
+ if (c[1 - i][j].isConst())
+ {
+ // process the constant : either we have a conflict, or we
+ // drop an equal number of constants on the LHS
+ std::vector<unsigned> vecj =
+ c[1 - i][j].getConst<String>().getVec();
+ for (unsigned k = 0, sizev = vecj.size(); k < sizev; k++)
+ {
+ bool conflict = false;
+ if (vec.empty())
+ {
+ // e.g. "" = x ++ "A" ---> false
+ conflict = true;
+ }
+ else if (vecj[k] != hchar)
+ {
+ // e.g. "AA" = x ++ "B" ---> false
+ conflict = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rmChar++;
+ if (rmChar > lhss.size())
+ {
+ // e.g. "AA" = x ++ "AAA" ---> false
+ conflict = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (conflict)
+ {
+ // The three conflict cases should mostly should be taken
+ // care of by multiset reasoning in the strings rewriter,
+ // but we recognize this conflict just in case.
+ new_ret = nm->mkConst(false);
+ debugExtendedRewrite(
+ ret, new_ret, "string-eq-const-conflict");
+ return new_ret;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ trimmed.push_back(c[1 - i][j]);
+ }
+ }
+ Node lhs = ret[i];
+ if (rmChar > 0)
+ {
+ Assert(lhss.size() >= rmChar);
+ // we trimmed
+ lhs = nm->mkConst(lhss.substr(0, lhss.size() - rmChar));
+ }
Node ss = strings::TheoryStringsRewriter::mkConcat(STRING_CONCAT,
- c[1 - i]);
- Assert(ss != ret[1 - i]);
- // e.g. "AA" = x ++ y ---> "AA" = y ++ x if y < x
- new_ret = ret[i].eqNode(ss);
- debugExtendedRewrite(ret, new_ret, "string-eq-homog-const");
- return new_ret;
+ trimmed);
+ if (lhs != ret[i] || ss != ret[1 - i])
+ {
+ // e.g.
+ // "AA" = y ++ x ---> "AA" = x ++ y if x < y
+ // "AAA" = y ++ "A" ++ z ---> "AA" = y ++ z
+ new_ret = lhs.eqNode(ss);
+ debugExtendedRewrite(ret, new_ret, "string-eq-homog-const");
+ return new_ret;
+ }