if (d_logic.isTheoryEnabled(THEORY_ARITH) &&
!d_logic.isLinear()) {
if (options::produceModels()) {
+ if(options::produceModels.wasSetByUser()) {
+ throw OptionException("produce-model not supported with nonlinear arith");
+ }
Warning() << "SmtEngine: turning off produce-models because unsupported for nonlinear arith" << endl;
setOption("produce-models", SExpr("false"));
if (options::produceAssignments()) {
+ if(options::produceAssignments.wasSetByUser()) {
+ throw OptionException("produce-assignments not supported with nonlinear arith");
+ }
Warning() << "SmtEngine: turning off produce-assignments because unsupported for nonlinear arith" << endl;
setOption("produce-assignments", SExpr("false"));
if (options::checkModels()) {
+ if(options::checkModels.wasSetByUser()) {
+ throw OptionException("check-models not supported with nonlinear arith");
+ }
Warning() << "SmtEngine: turning off check-models because unsupported for nonlinear arith" << endl;
setOption("check-models", SExpr("false"));