+++ /dev/null
-.set out_ptr, 3
-.set in_ptr, 4
-.set k_ptr, 5
-.set ctr, 7
-.set SHAPE0, 8
-.set SHAPE1, 12
-.set SHAPE2, 16
-.set SHIFTS, 20
-.set x, 24
-.macro lwi rD, const
-.if (\const >= -0x8000) && (\const <= 0x7fff)
- li \rD, \const
- lis \rD, \const@ha
- ori \rD, \rD, \const@l
-.macro ldi rD, const
-.if (\const >= -0x80000000) && (\const <= 0x7fffffff)
- lwi \rD, \const
- # load high word into the high word of rD
- lis \rD,\const@highest # load msg bits 48-63 into rD bits 16-31
- ori \rD,\rD,\const@higher # load msg bits 32-47 into rD bits 0-15
- rldicr \rD,\rD,32,31 # rotate r4's low word into rD's high word
- # load low word into the low word of rD
- oris \rD,\rD,\const@h # load msg bits 16-31 into rD bits 16-31
- ori \rD,\rD,\const@l # load msg bits 0-15 into rD bits 0-15
- .machine libresoc
- .file "xchacha20_svp64.s"
- .abiversion 2
- .section ".text"
- .align 2
- .globl xchacha_hchacha20_svp64_real
- .type xchacha_hchacha20_svp64_real, @function
- .cfi_startproc
- # load x[0] = 0x61707865, x[1] = 0x3320646e
- ldi x+0, 0x3320646e61707865
- # load x[2] = 0x79622d32, x[3] = 0x6b206574
- ldi x+1, 0x6b20657479622d32
- # load SHAPE0 indices
- ldi SHAPE0+0, 0x901090108000800
- ldi SHAPE0+1, 0xb030b030a020a02
- ldi SHAPE0+2, 0xb010b010a000a00
- ldi SHAPE0+3, 0x903090308020802
- # load SHAPE1 indices
- ldi SHAPE1+0, 0xd050d050c040c04
- ldi SHAPE1+1, 0xf070f070e060e06
- ldi SHAPE1+2, 0xc060c060f050f05
- ldi SHAPE1+3, 0xe040e040d070d07
- # load SHAPE2 indices
- ldi SHAPE2+0, 0x50d050d040c040c
- ldi SHAPE2+1, 0x70f070f060e060e
- ldi SHAPE2+2, 0x60c060c050f050f
- ldi SHAPE2+3, 0x40e040e070d070d
- #shift values
- ldi SHIFTS+0, 0x0000000c00000010
- ldi SHIFTS+1, 0x0000000700000008
- # Load 8 values from k_ptr
- setvl 0,0,4,0,1,1 # Set VL to 8 elements
- sv.ld *x+2, 0(k_ptr)
- # Load 4 values from in_ptr
- setvl 0,0,2,0,1,1 # Set VL to 4 elements
- sv.ld *x+6, 0(in_ptr)
- # set up VL=32 vertical-first, and SVSHAPEs 0-2
- # set vertical firstMAXVL (and r22)a
- setvl 0, 0, 32, 0, 1, 1 # MAXVL=VL=32
- setvl 22, 0, 32, 1, 0, 1 # vertical-first mode
- # SHAPE0, used by sv.add starts at GPR #8
- svindex 4, 0, 1, 3, 0, 1, 0 # SVSHAPE0, a
- # SHAPE1, used by sv.xor starts at GPR #12
- svindex 6, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 0 # SVSHAPE1, b
- # SHAPE2, used by sv.rldcl starts at GPR #16
- svindex 8, 2, 1, 3, 0, 1, 0 # SVSHAPE2, c
- # SHAPE3, used also by sv.rldcl to hold the shift values starts at GPR #20
- # The inner loop will do 32 iterations, but there are only 4 shift values, so we mod 4
- svshape2 0, 0, 3, 4, 0, 1 # SVSHAPE3, shift amount, mod 4
- # establish CTR for outer round count
- li ctr, 10
- mtctr ctr # Set up counter
- # outer loop begins here (standard CTR loop)
- setvl 22, 22, 32, 1, 1, 0 # vertical-first, set VL from r22
- # inner loop begins here. add-xor-rotl32 with remap, step, branch
- svremap 31, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 # RA=1, RB=0, RT=0 (0b01011)
- sv.add/w=32 *x, *x, *x
- svremap 31, 2, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0 # RA=2, RB=0, RS=2 (0b00111)
- sv.xor/w=32 *x, *x, *x
- svremap 31, 0, 3, 2, 2, 0, 0 # RA=2, RB=3, RS=2 (0b01110)
- sv.rldcl/w=32 *x, *x, *SHIFTS, 0
- # 16 is the destination containing the result of svstep.
- # it overlaps with SHAPE2 which is also 16. the first 8 indices
- # will get corrupted.
- svstep. ctr, 1, 0 # step to next in-regs element
- bc 6, 3, .inner # svstep. Rc=1 loop-end-condition?
- # inner-loop done: outer loop standard CTR-decrement to setvl again
- bdnz .outer # Loop until CTR is zero
- # store x0-x3 directly to *out_ptr
- setvl 0,0,2,0,1,1 # Set VL to 4 elements
- sv.std *x, 0(out_ptr)
- # store x12-x15 to *out_ptr + 16
- sv.std *x+6, 16(out_ptr)
- blr
- .long 0
- .byte 0,0,0,0,0,3,0,0
- .cfi_endproc
- .size xchacha_hchacha20_svp64_real,.-xchacha_hchacha20_svp64_real
- .ident "GCC: (Debian 8.3.0-6) 8.3.0"
- .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
--- /dev/null
+ .machine libresoc
+ .file "xchacha_hchacha20_svp64.s"
+ .abiversion 2
+ .section ".text"
+ .align 2
+ .include "xchacha_svp64_macros.s"
+ .set out_ptr, 3
+ .set in_ptr, 4
+ .set k_ptr, 5
+ .set ctr, 7
+ .set x, 24
+ .set SHAPE0, 8
+ .set SHAPE1, 12
+ .set SHAPE2, 16
+ .set SHIFTS, 20
+ .set VL, 22
+ .globl xchacha_hchacha20_svp64_real
+ .type xchacha_hchacha20_svp64_real, @function
+ .cfi_startproc
+ # load x[0] = 0x61707865, x[1] = 0x3320646e
+ ldi x+0, 0x3320646e61707865
+ # load x[2] = 0x79622d32, x[3] = 0x6b206574
+ ldi x+1, 0x6b20657479622d32
+ # Load 8 values from k_ptr
+ setvl 0,0,4,0,1,1 # Set VL to 8 elements
+ sv.ld *x+2, 0(k_ptr)
+ # Load 4 values from in_ptr
+ setvl 0,0,2,0,1,1 # Set VL to 4 elements
+ sv.ld *x+6, 0(in_ptr)
+ # Set up quarterround constants, SHAPE0, SHAPE1, SHAPE2, SHIFTS
+ quarterround_const SHAPE0, SHAPE1, SHAPE2, SHIFTS
+ # establish CTR for outer round count and call quarterround macro
+ li ctr, 10
+ quarterround x, ctr, VL, SHAPE0, SHAPE1, SHAPE2, SHIFTS
+ # store x0-x3 directly to *out_ptr
+ setvl 0,0,2,0,1,1 # Set VL to 4 elements
+ sv.std *x, 0(out_ptr)
+ # store x12-x15 to *out_ptr + 16
+ sv.std *x+6, 16(out_ptr)
+ blr
+ .long 0
+ .byte 0,0,0,0,0,3,0,0
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size xchacha_hchacha20_svp64_real,.-xchacha_hchacha20_svp64_real
+ .ident "GCC: (Debian 8.3.0-6) 8.3.0"
+ .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
--- /dev/null
+# Helper macros for assembly
+# load word immediate for 32-bit constants
+.macro lwi rD, const
+.if (\const >= -0x8000) && (\const <= 0x7fff)
+ li \rD, \const
+ lis \rD, \const@ha
+ ori \rD, \rD, \const@l
+# load double word immediate for 64-bit constants
+.macro ldi rD, const
+.if (\const >= -0x80000000) && (\const <= 0x7fffffff)
+ lwi \rD, \const
+ # load high word into the high word of rD
+ lis \rD,\const@highest # load msg bits 48-63 into rD bits 16-31
+ ori \rD,\rD,\const@higher # load msg bits 32-47 into rD bits 0-15
+ rldicr \rD,\rD,32,31 # rotate r4's low word into rD's high word
+ # load low word into the low word of rD
+ oris \rD,\rD,\const@h # load msg bits 16-31 into rD bits 16-31
+ ori \rD,\rD,\const@l # load msg bits 0-15 into rD bits 0-15
+# This macro uses registers 8-21
+.macro quarterround_const _SHAPE0, _SHAPE1, _SHAPE2, _SHIFTS
+ # load SHAPE0 indices
+ ldi \_SHAPE0+0, 0x901090108000800
+ ldi \_SHAPE0+1, 0xb030b030a020a02
+ ldi \_SHAPE0+2, 0xb010b010a000a00
+ ldi \_SHAPE0+3, 0x903090308020802
+ # load SHAPE1 indices
+ ldi \_SHAPE1+0, 0xd050d050c040c04
+ ldi \_SHAPE1+1, 0xf070f070e060e06
+ ldi \_SHAPE1+2, 0xc060c060f050f05
+ ldi \_SHAPE1+3, 0xe040e040d070d07
+ # load SHAPE2 indices
+ ldi \_SHAPE2+0, 0x50d050d040c040c
+ ldi \_SHAPE2+1, 0x70f070f060e060e
+ ldi \_SHAPE2+2, 0x60c060c050f050f
+ ldi \_SHAPE2+3, 0x40e040e070d070d
+ #shift values
+ ldi \_SHIFTS+0, 0x0000000c00000010
+ ldi \_SHIFTS+1, 0x0000000700000008
+# This macro uses registers 8-21
+.macro quarterround _x, _ctr, _VL, _SHAPE0, _SHAPE1, _SHAPE2, _SHIFTS
+ mtctr \_ctr # Set up counter
+ # set up VL=32 vertical-first, and SVSHAPEs 0-2
+ # set VL/MAXVL first
+ setvl 0, 0, 32, 0, 1, 1 # MAXVL=VL=32
+ # set r22 from VL, set vertical-first
+ setvl \_VL, 0, 32, 1, 0, 1 # vertical-first mode
+ # SHAPE0, used by sv.add starts at GPR #8
+ svindex \_SHAPE0/2, 0, 1, 3, 0, 1, 0 # SVSHAPE0, a
+ # SHAPE1, used by sv.xor starts at GPR #12
+ svindex \_SHAPE1/2, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 0 # SVSHAPE1, b
+ # SHAPE2, used by sv.rldcl starts at GPR #16
+ svindex \_SHAPE2/2, 2, 1, 3, 0, 1, 0 # SVSHAPE2, c
+ # SHAPE3, used also by sv.rldcl to hold the shift values starts at GPR #20
+ # The inner loop will do 32 iterations, but there are only 4 shift values, so we mod 4
+ svshape2 0, 0, 3, 4, 0, 1 # SVSHAPE3, shift amount, mod 4
+ # outer loop begins here (standard CTR loop)
+ setvl \_VL, \_VL, 32, 1, 1, 0 # vertical-first, set VL from r22
+ # inner loop begins here. add-xor-rotl32 with remap, step, branch
+ svremap 31, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 # RA=1, RB=0, RT=0 (0b01011)
+ sv.add/w=32 *\_x, *\_x, *\_x
+ svremap 31, 2, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0 # RA=2, RB=0, RS=2 (0b00111)
+ sv.xor/w=32 *\_x, *\_x, *\_x
+ svremap 31, 0, 3, 2, 2, 0, 0 # RA=2, RB=3, RS=2 (0b01110)
+ sv.rldcl/w=32 *\_x, *\_x, *\_SHIFTS, 0
+ # 16 is the destination containing the result of svstep.
+ # it overlaps with SHAPE2 which is also 16. the first 8 indices
+ # will get corrupted.
+ svstep. \_ctr, 1, 0 # step to next in-regs element
+ bc 6, 3, .inner # svstep. Rc=1 loop-end-condition?
+ # inner-loop done: outer loop standard CTR-decrement to setvl again
+ bdnz .outer # Loop until CTR is zero