return q, r
+def python_divmod_knuth_algorithm_d(n, d, word_size=64, log_regex=False):
+ do_log = _DivModRegsRegexLogger(enabled=log_regex).log
+ # switch to names used by Knuth's algorithm D
+ u = list(n) # dividend
+ m = len(u) # length of dividend
+ v = list(d) # divisor
+ del d # less confusing to debug
+ n = len(v) # length of divisor
+ assert m >= n, "the dividend's length must be >= the divisor's length"
+ assert word_size > 0
+ # allocate outputs/temporaries -- before any normalization so
+ # the outputs/temporaries can be fixed-length in the assembly version.
+ # quotient length from original algorithm is m - n + 1,
+ # but that assumes v[-1] != 0 -- since we support smaller divisors the
+ # quotient must be larger.
+ q = [0] * m # quotient
+ r = [0] * n # remainder
+ vn = [0] * n # normalized divisor
+ un = [0] * (m + 1) # normalized dividend
+ product = [0] * (n + 1)
+ # get non-zero length of dividend
+ while m > 0 and u[m - 1] == 0:
+ m -= 1
+ # get non-zero length of divisor
+ while n > 0 and v[n - 1] == 0:
+ n -= 1
+ if n == 0:
+ raise ZeroDivisionError
+ if n == 1:
+ # Knuth's algorithm D requires the divisor to have length >= 2
+ # handle single-word divisors separately
+ t = 0
+ for i in reversed(range(m)):
+ # divmod2du
+ t <<= word_size
+ t += u[i]
+ q[i] = t // v[0]
+ t %= v[0]
+ r[0] = t
+ return q, r
+ # Knuth's algorithm D starts here:
+ # Step D1: normalize
+ # calculate amount to shift by -- count leading zeros
+ s = 0
+ while (v[n - 1] << s) >> (word_size - 1) == 0:
+ s += 1
+ # vn = v << s
+ t = 0
+ for i in range(n):
+ # dsld
+ t |= v[i] << s
+ vn[i] = t % 2 ** word_size
+ t >>= word_size
+ # un = u << s
+ t = 0
+ for i in range(m):
+ # dsld
+ t |= u[i] << s
+ un[i] = t % 2 ** word_size
+ t >>= word_size
+ un[m] = t
+ # Step D2 and Step D7: loop
+ for j in range(m - n, -1, -1):
+ # Step D3: calculate q̂
+ t = un[j + n]
+ t <<= word_size
+ t += un[j + n - 1]
+ if un[j + n] >= vn[n - 1]:
+ # division overflows word
+ qhat = 2 ** word_size - 1
+ rhat = t - qhat * vn[n - 1]
+ else:
+ # divmod2du
+ qhat = t // vn[n - 1]
+ rhat = t % vn[n - 1]
+ while rhat < 2 ** word_size:
+ if qhat * vn[n - 2] > (rhat << word_size) + un[j + n - 2]:
+ qhat -= 1
+ rhat += vn[n - 1]
+ else:
+ break
+ # Step D4: multiply and subtract
+ t = 0
+ for i in range(n):
+ # maddedu
+ t += vn[i] * qhat
+ product[i] = t % 2 ** word_size
+ t >>= word_size
+ product[n] = t
+ t = 1
+ for i in range(n + 1):
+ # subfe
+ t += ~product[i] + un[j + i]
+ un[j + i] = t % 2 ** word_size
+ t = int(t >= 2 ** word_size)
+ need_fixup = not t
+ # FIXME(jacob): finish
POWMOD_256_ASM = (
# base is in r4-7, exp is in r8-11, mod is in r32-35