clk_to_arst_cond[clk_domain_str] = os2.str();
- if (!port.transparent)
+ // Decide how to represent the transparency; same idea as Mem::extract_rdff.
+ bool trans_use_addr = port.transparent;
+ if (GetSize(mem.wr_ports) == 0)
+ trans_use_addr = false;
+ if (port.en != State::S1 || port.srst != State::S0 || port.arst != State::S0 || !port.init_value.is_fully_undef())
+ trans_use_addr = false;
+ if (!trans_use_addr)
// for clocked read ports make something like:
// reg [..] temp_id;
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(mem.wr_ports); i++) {
+ auto &wport = mem.wr_ports[i];
+ if (!port.transparent)
+ continue;
+ if (!wport.clk_enable)
+ continue;
+ if (wport.clk != port.clk)
+ continue;
+ if (wport.clk_polarity != port.clk_polarity)
+ continue;
+ int min_wide_log2 = std::min(port.wide_log2, wport.wide_log2);
+ int max_wide_log2 = std::max(port.wide_log2, wport.wide_log2);
+ bool wide_write = wport.wide_log2 > port.wide_log2;
+ for (int sub = 0; sub < (1 << max_wide_log2); sub += (1 << min_wide_log2)) {
+ SigSpec raddr = port.addr;
+ SigSpec waddr = wport.addr;
+ if (wide_write)
+ waddr = wport.sub_addr(sub);
+ else
+ raddr = port.sub_addr(sub);
+ int pos = 0;
+ int ewidth = mem.width << min_wide_log2;
+ int wsub = wide_write ? sub : 0;
+ int rsub = wide_write ? 0 : sub;
+ while (pos < ewidth) {
+ int epos = pos;
+ while (epos < ewidth && wport.en[epos + wsub * mem.width] == wport.en[pos + wsub * mem.width])
+ epos++;
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ if (has_indent)
+ os << indent;
+ os << "if (";
+ dump_sigspec(os, wport.en[pos + wsub * mem.width]);
+ if (raddr != waddr) {
+ os << " && ";
+ dump_sigspec(os, raddr);
+ os << " == ";
+ dump_sigspec(os, waddr);
+ }
+ os << ")\n";
+ clk_to_lof_body[clk_domain_str].push_back(os.str());
+ std::ostringstream os2;
+ if (has_indent)
+ os2 << indent;
+ os2 << indent;
+ os2 << temp_id;
+ if (epos-pos != GetSize(
+ os2 << stringf("[%d:%d]", rsub * mem.width + epos-1, rsub * mem.width + pos);
+ os2 << " <= ";
+ dump_sigspec(os2, * mem.width + pos, epos-pos));
+ os2 << ";\n";
+ clk_to_lof_body[clk_domain_str].push_back(os2.str());
+ pos = epos;
+ }
+ }
+ }
if (port.srst != State::S0 && port.ce_over_srst)
std::ostringstream os;