f.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&buffer_size_be), sizeof(buffer_size_be));
f.write(buffer_str.data(), buffer_str.size());
- RTLIL::Module *holes_module = module->design->module(stringf("%s$holes", module->name.c_str()));
+ RTLIL::Design *holes_design;
+ auto it = saved_designs.find("$abc9_holes");
+ if (it != saved_designs.end())
+ holes_design = it->second;
+ else
+ holes_design = nullptr;
+ RTLIL::Module *holes_module = holes_design ? holes_design->module(module->name) : nullptr;
if (holes_module) {
std::stringstream a_buffer;
XAigerWriter writer(holes_module, false /* dff_mode */, true /* holes_mode */);
log("Write the top module (according to the (* top *) attribute or if only one module\n");
log("is currently selected) to an XAIGER file. Any non $_NOT_, $_AND_, (optionally\n");
log("$_DFF_N_, $_DFF_P_), or non (* abc9_box *) cells will be converted into psuedo-\n");
- log("inputs and pseudo-outputs. Whitebox contents will be taken from the\n");
- log("'<module-name>$holes' module, if it exists.\n");
+ log("inputs and pseudo-outputs. Whitebox contents will be taken from the equivalent\n");
+ log("module in the '$abc9_holes' design, if it exists.\n");
log(" -ascii\n");
log(" write ASCII version of AIGER format\n");
else if (box_file.empty()) {
run("abc9_ops -prep_box");
- run("select -set abc9_holes A:abc9_holes");
- run("flatten -wb @abc9_holes");
- run("techmap @abc9_holes");
- run("opt -purge @abc9_holes");
+ run("design -stash $abc9");
+ run("design -load $abc9_holes");
+ run("techmap -wb -map %$abc9 -map +/techmap.v");
+ run("opt -purge");
- run("wbflip @abc9_holes");
+ run("wbflip");
+ run("design -stash $abc9_holes");
+ run("design -load $abc9");
if (check_label("map")) {
+ run("aigmap");
if (help_mode) {
run("foreach module in selection");
run(" abc9_ops -write_lut <abc-temp-dir>/input.lut", "(skip if '-lut' or '-luts')");
log("Skipping module %s as it contains processes.\n", log_id(mod));
- log_assert(!mod->attributes.count(ID::abc9_box_id));
if (dff_mode || help_mode) {
run("techmap -wb -map %$abc9_unmap", "(only if -dff)"); // techmap user design from submod back to original cell
// ($_DFF_[NP]_ already shorted by -reintegrate)
- run("design -delete $abc9_unmap");
+ run("design -delete $abc9_unmap", " (only if -dff)");
+ if (saved_designs.count("$abc9_holes") || help_mode)
+ run("design -delete $abc9_holes");
} Abc9Pass;
- RTLIL::Module *holes_module = design->addModule(stringf("%s$holes", module->name.c_str()));
+ auto r = saved_designs.emplace("$abc9_holes", nullptr);
+ if (r.second)
+ r.first->second = new Design;
+ RTLIL::Design *holes_design = r.first->second;
+ log_assert(holes_design);
+ RTLIL::Module *holes_module = holes_design->addModule(module->name);
- holes_module->set_bool_attribute(ID::abc9_holes);
dict<IdString, Cell*> cell_cache;
TimingInfo timing;
log(" -prep_xaiger\n");
log(" prepare the design for XAIGER output. this includes computing the\n");
- log(" topological ordering of ABC9 boxes, as well as preparing the\n");
- log(" '<module-name>$holes' module that contains the logic behaviour of ABC9\n");
- log(" whiteboxes.\n");
+ log(" topological ordering of ABC9 boxes, as well as preparing the '$abc9_holes'\n");
+ log(" design that contains the logic behaviour of ABC9 whiteboxes.\n");
log(" -dff\n");
log(" consider flop cells (those instantiating modules marked with (* abc9_flop *))\n");
for (auto mod : design->selected_modules()) {
- if (mod->get_bool_attribute(ID::abc9_holes))
- continue;
if (mod->processes.size() > 0) {
log("Skipping module %s as it contains processes.\n", log_id(mod));