* Affecting my mental health and well-being
14:37 Aaron prohibited from entering.
14:38 informed them i have autism and request his attendance.
14:41 thagadur thanks, remind aaron of confidentiality
you have of psychosis / hypchondria?"
15:18 notified them in writing that i have earned EUR 20,000 in the
-past 3 weeks, and i am NOT homeless.
+past 3 weeks, and i am NOT homeless. met Erika in corridor, said
+something like "how did i do?" she said something like "good performance"
+but i am not sure if this was a joke or if she was implying i was not
+"serious" - i.e. the implication is **i was acting** (!!!!!)
A: "i know where he is going with that. you lost your job and your home
therefore you are psychotic". they *should* understand that anyone is
due to violent reaction. ONE HOUR coughing up and spitting out white flegm.
requested other doctors present to look it up.
+Aaron: how intimidating to have that many people. invite for a meeting and
+have a group.
+L: when i SPECIFICALLY told them in writing, in my notes on Tuesday,
+that i prefer and am comfortable only with small numbers of people because
+i feel threatened!
+A: that's why they do it - because they want people to feel threatened and
+small. (push their agenda - less likely to disagree, if they are backing
+each other up).
+L: that's why i took notes...
+Aaron: in his head, "someone raising their voice is abusing HIM".
+fxxxxg clowns.
+L: observation that they may have been thinking i was "acting".
+ Erika would not have stated that if it had not been discussed
+ during the meeting.
+Aaron spotted nurse that laughed about the abuse going on in Hants MH