self.mem_axi = mem_axi = axi.AXIInterface(data_width=64, address_width=32, id_width=4)
self.mmio_axi = mmio_axi = axi.AXIInterface(data_width=64, address_width=32, id_width=4)
- self.mem_wb = mem_wb = wishbone.Interface(data_width=64, adr_width=29)
self.mmio_wb = mmio_wb = wishbone.Interface(data_width=64, adr_width=29)
- self.buses = [mem_wb, mmio_wb]
+ self.buses = [mmio_wb]
# # #
# adapt axi interfaces to wishbone
- mem_a2w = ResetInserter()(axi.AXI2Wishbone(mem_axi, mem_wb, base_address=0))
- mmio_a2w = ResetInserter()(axi.AXI2Wishbone(mmio_axi, mmio_wb, base_address=0))
# NOTE: AXI2Wishbone FSMs must be reset with the CPU!
- self.comb += [
- mem_a2w.reset.eq( ResetSignal() | self.reset),
- mmio_a2w.reset.eq(ResetSignal() | self.reset),
- ]
- self.submodules += mem_a2w, mmio_a2w
+ mmio_a2w = ResetInserter()(axi.AXI2Wishbone(mmio_axi, mmio_wb,
+ base_address=0))
+ self.comb += mmio_a2w.reset.eq(ResetSignal() | self.reset)
+ self.submodules += mmio_a2w
# add verilog sources
self.add_sources(platform, variant)
from litex.soc.integration.soc_core import *
from litedram.frontend.wishbone import *
+from litedram.frontend.axi import *
from litedram.core import LiteDRAMCore
__all__ = ["SoCSDRAM", "soc_sdram_args", "soc_sdram_argdict"]
clk_freq = self.clk_freq,
- # SoC <--> L2 Cache <--> LiteDRAM ----------------------------------------------------------
- if self.with_wishbone:
- # LiteDRAM port ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- port = self.sdram.crossbar.get_port()
- port.data_width = 2**int(log2(port.data_width)) # Round to nearest power of 2
- # Parameters ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- main_ram_size = 2**(geom_settings.bankbits +
- geom_settings.rowbits +
- geom_settings.colbits)*phy.settings.databits//8
- main_ram_size = min(main_ram_size, 0x20000000) # FIXME: limit to 512MB for now
+ # LiteDRAM port ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ port = self.sdram.crossbar.get_port()
+ port.data_width = 2**int(log2(port.data_width)) # Round to nearest power of 2
+ # Main RAM size ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ main_ram_size = 2**(geom_settings.bankbits +
+ geom_settings.rowbits +
+ geom_settings.colbits)*phy.settings.databits//8
+ main_ram_size = min(main_ram_size, 0x20000000) # FIXME: limit to 512MB for now
+ # SoC [<--> L2 Cache] <--> LiteDRAM ----------------------------------------------------
+ if == "rocket":
+ # Rocket has its own I/D L1 cache: connect directly to LiteDRAM, also bypassing MMIO/CSR wb bus:
+ if port.data_width == self.cpu.mem_axi.data_width:
+ # straightforward AXI link, no data_width conversion needed:
+ self.submodules += LiteDRAMAXI2Native(self.cpu.mem_axi, port,
+ base_address=self.mem_map["main_ram"])
+ else:
+ # FIXME: replace WB data-width converter with native AXI converter!!!
+ mem_wb = wishbone.Interface(data_width=self.cpu.mem_axi.data_width,
+ adr_width=32-log2_int(self.cpu.mem_axi.data_width//8))
+ # NOTE: AXI2Wishbone FSMs must be reset with the CPU!
+ mem_a2w = ResetInserter()(AXI2Wishbone(self.cpu.mem_axi, mem_wb, base_address=0))
+ self.comb += mem_a2w.reset.eq(ResetSignal() | self.cpu.reset)
+ self.submodules += mem_a2w
+ litedram_wb = wishbone.Interface(port.data_width)
+ self.submodules += LiteDRAMWishbone2Native(litedram_wb, port,
+ base_address=self.mem_map["main_ram"])
+ self.submodules += wishbone.Converter(mem_wb, litedram_wb)
+ # Register main_ram region (so it will be added to generated/mem.h):
+ self.add_memory_region("main_ram", self.mem_map["main_ram"], main_ram_size)
+ elif self.with_wishbone:
+ # Insert L2 cache inbetween Wishbone bus and LiteDRAM
l2_size = max(self.l2_size, int(2*port.data_width/8)) # L2 has a minimal size, use it if lower
l2_size = 2**int(log2(l2_size)) # Round to nearest power of 2