for n, (origin, size) in enumerate(self.cpu.io_regions.items()):
self.bus.add_region("io{}".format(n), SoCIORegion(origin=origin, size=size, cached=False))
self.mem_map.update(self.cpu.mem_map) # FIXME
- self.csr.update_alignment(self.cpu.data_width)
+ # We don't want the CSR alignemnt reduced from 64-bit to 32-bit on
+ # a standalone system with a 64-bit WB and no CPU.
+ # Should we instead only update alignment if the CPU is *bigger*
+ # than the CSR ?
+ if name != "None":
+ self.csr.update_alignment(self.cpu.data_width)
# Add Bus Masters/CSR/IRQs
if not isinstance(self.cpu, cpu.CPUNone):
if reset_address is None: