--- /dev/null
+from migen.fhdl.std import *
+Encoders and decoders between binary and one-hot representation
+i: input (binary or one-hot)
+o: output (one-hot or binary)
+n: "none" signal (in/out), binary value is invalid
+class Encoder(Module):
+ def __init__(self, width):
+ self.i = Signal(width) # one-hot
+ self.o = Signal(max=width) # binary
+ self.n = Signal() # invalid: none or multiple
+ act = dict((1<<j, self.o.eq(j)) for j in range(width))
+ act["default"] = self.n.eq(1)
+ self.comb += Case(self.i, act)
+class PriorityEncoder(Module):
+ def __init__(self, width):
+ self.i = Signal(width) # one-hot, lsb has priority
+ self.o = Signal(max=width) # binary
+ self.n = Signal() # none
+ act = If(0)
+ for j in range(width):
+ act = act.Elif(self.i[j], self.o.eq(j))
+ self.comb += act
+ self.comb += self.n.eq(self.i == 0)
+class Decoder(Module):
+ def __init__(self, width):
+ self.i = Signal(max=width) # binary
+ self.n = Signal() # none/invalid
+ self.o = Signal(width) # one-hot
+ act = dict((j, self.o.eq(1<<j)) for j in range(width))
+ self.comb += Case(self.i, act)
+ self.comb += If(self.n, self.o.eq(0))
+class PriorityDecoder(Decoder):
+ pass # same
+def _main():
+ from migen.sim.generic import Simulator, TopLevel
+ from migen.fhdl import verilog
+ e = Encoder(8)
+ print(verilog.convert(e, ios={e.i, e.o, e.n}))
+ pe = PriorityEncoder(8)
+ print(verilog.convert(pe, ios={pe.i, pe.o, pe.n}))
+ d = Decoder(8)
+ print(verilog.convert(d, ios={d.i, d.n, d.o}))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ _main()