MESON_OPTIONS="-Ddri-drivers=${DRI_DRIVERS:-[]} -Dgallium-drivers=${GALLIUM_DRIVERS:-[]} -Dvulkan-drivers=${VULKAN_DRIVERS:-[]}"
- # Travis CI has moved to LLVM 5.0, and meson is detecting
- # automatically the available version in /usr/local/bin based on
- # the PATH env variable order preference.
+ # We need to control the version of llvm-config we're using, so we'll
+ # generate a native file to do so. This requires meson >=0.49
- # As for 0.44.x, Meson cannot receive the path to the
- # llvm-config binary as a configuration parameter. See
- # and
- #
- #
- # We want to use the custom (APT) installed version. Therefore,
- # let's make Meson find our wanted version sooner than the one
- # at /usr/local/bin
- #
- # Once this is corrected, we would still need a patch similar
- # to:
- #
- test -f /usr/bin/$LLVM_CONFIG && ln -s /usr/bin/$LLVM_CONFIG $HOME/prefix/bin/llvm-config
+ echo -e "[binaries]\nllvm-config = '`which $LLVM_CONFIG`'" > native.file
$LLVM_CONFIG --version
export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -isystem`pwd`"
- meson _build $MESON_OPTIONS
+ meson _build $MESON_OPTIONS \
+ --native-file=native.file
meson configure _build
ninja -C _build