-m <module_name>
name of the top module
- --constr <constr_filename>
+ --smtc <constr_filename>
read constraints file
--dump-vcd <vcd_filename>
--dump-vlogtb <verilog_filename>
write trace as Verilog test bench
- --dump-constr <constr_filename>
+ --dump-smtc <constr_filename>
write trace as constraints file
""" + so.helpmsg())
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], so.shortopts + "t:u:S:igm:", so.longopts + ["constr=", "dump-vcd=", "dump-vlogtb=", "dump-constr="])
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], so.shortopts + "t:u:S:igm:", so.longopts + ["smtc=", "dump-vcd=", "dump-vlogtb=", "dump-smtc="])
assume_skipped = int(a)
elif o == "-S":
step_size = int(a)
- elif o == "--constr":
+ elif o == "--smtc":
elif o == "--dump-vcd":
vcdfile = a
elif o == "--dump-vlogtb":
vlogtbfile = a
- elif o == "--dump-constr":
+ elif o == "--dump-smtc":
outconstr = a
elif o == "-i":
tempind = True
if tempind and len(inconstr) != 0:
- print("Error: options -i and --constr are exclusive.");
+ print("Error: options -i and --smtc are exclusive.");
-elif gentrace:
- retstatus = True
- for step in range(num_steps):
- smt.write("(declare-fun s%d () %s_s)" % (step, topmod))
- smt.write("(assert (%s_u s%d))" % (topmod, step))
- smt.write("(assert (%s_a s%d))" % (topmod, step))
- smt.write("(assert (%s_h s%d))" % (topmod, step))
- smt.write("(assert %s)" % get_constr_expr(constr_asserts, step))
- smt.write("(assert %s)" % get_constr_expr(constr_assumes, step))
- if step == 0:
- smt.write("(assert (%s_i s0))" % (topmod))
- smt.write("(assert (%s_is s0))" % (topmod))
- else:
- smt.write("(assert (%s_t s%d s%d))" % (topmod, step-1, step))
- smt.write("(assert (not (%s_is s%d)))" % (topmod, step))
- print("%s Creating trace of length %d.." % (smt.timestamp(), num_steps))
- if smt.check_sat() == "sat":
- write_trace(num_steps)
- else:
- print("%s Creating trace failed!" % smt.timestamp())
- retstatus = False
else: # not tempind, not gentrace
step = 0
retstatus = True
smt.write("(assert %s)" % get_constr_expr(constr_assumes, step+i))
last_check_step = step+i
- if last_check_step == step:
- print("%s Checking asserts in step %d.." % (smt.timestamp(), step))
- else:
- print("%s Checking asserts in steps %d to %d.." % (smt.timestamp(), step, last_check_step))
- smt.write("(push 1)")
+ if not gentrace:
+ if last_check_step == step:
+ print("%s Checking asserts in step %d.." % (smt.timestamp(), step))
+ else:
+ print("%s Checking asserts in steps %d to %d.." % (smt.timestamp(), step, last_check_step))
+ smt.write("(push 1)")
- smt.write("(assert (not (and %s)))" % " ".join(["(%s_a s%d)" % (topmod, i) for i in range(step, last_check_step+1)] +
- [get_constr_expr(constr_asserts, i) for i in range(step, last_check_step+1)]))
+ smt.write("(assert (not (and %s)))" % " ".join(["(%s_a s%d)" % (topmod, i) for i in range(step, last_check_step+1)] +
+ [get_constr_expr(constr_asserts, i) for i in range(step, last_check_step+1)]))
- if smt.check_sat() == "sat":
- print("%s BMC failed!" % smt.timestamp())
- print_failed_asserts(topmod, "s%d" % step, topmod)
- write_trace(step+step_size)
- retstatus = False
- break
+ if smt.check_sat() == "sat":
+ print("%s BMC failed!" % smt.timestamp())
+ print_failed_asserts(topmod, "s%d" % step, topmod)
+ write_trace(step+step_size)
+ retstatus = False
+ break
- else: # unsat
smt.write("(pop 1)")
- for i in range(step, last_check_step+1):
- smt.write("(assert (%s_a s%d))" % (topmod, i))
- smt.write("(assert %s)" % get_constr_expr(constr_asserts, i))
+ for i in range(step, last_check_step+1):
+ smt.write("(assert (%s_a s%d))" % (topmod, i))
+ smt.write("(assert %s)" % get_constr_expr(constr_asserts, i))
+ if gentrace:
+ print("%s Solving for step %d.." % (smt.timestamp(), step))
+ if smt.check_sat() != "sat":
+ print("%s No solution found!" % smt.timestamp())
+ retstatus = False
+ break
step += step_size
+ if gentrace:
+ write_trace(num_steps)