<< endl;
- if (options::sygusInference())
- {
- if (options::sygusInference.wasSetByUser())
- {
- throw OptionException(
- "sygus inference not supported with unsat cores/proofs/incremental "
- "solving");
- }
- Notice() << "SmtEngine: turning off sygus inference to support unsat "
- "cores/proofs/incremental solving"
- << std::endl;
- options::sygusInference.set(false);
- }
+ if (options::incrementalSolving() || options::proof())
+ {
+ if (options::sygusInference())
+ {
+ if (options::sygusInference.wasSetByUser())
+ {
+ throw OptionException(
+ "sygus inference not supported with proofs/incremental solving");
+ }
+ Notice() << "SmtEngine: turning off sygus inference to support "
+ "proofs/incremental solving"
+ << std::endl;
+ options::sygusInference.set(false);
+ }
+ }
// Disable options incompatible with unsat cores and proofs or output an
// error if enabled explicitly
if (options::unsatCores() || options::proof())