Issue: The output enable signal for DQ[3] is not driven properly.
Symptoms: Output data from master to slave is not properly transmitted
in quad mode. Data received from the slave is unaffected.
Workaround: When interfacing with SPI flash devices, do not use the
"Quad Input/Output Fast Read" command (opcode 0xEB) while in the
Extended SPI protocol. Do not use the Native Quad SPI protocol.
val tx = (ctrl.fmt.iodir === SPIDirection.Tx)
- val txen_in = (proto.head +: && tx)).scanRight(Bool(false))(_ || _)
+ val txen_in = (proto.head +: && tx)).scanRight(Bool(false))(_ || _).init
val txen = txen_in :+ txen_in.last
io.port.sck := sck