# Trap Word Immediate
-twi TO,RA,SI
+* twi TO,RA,SI
a <- EXTS((RA)[32:63])
if (a < EXTS(SI)) & TO[0] then TRAP
if (a > EXTS(SI)) & TO[1] then TRAP
if (a = EXTS(SI)) & TO[2] then TRAP
- if (a <u EXTS(SI)) & TO 3 then TRAP
- if (a >u EXTS(SI)) & TO 4 then TRAP
+ if (a <u EXTS(SI)) & TO[3] then TRAP
+ if (a >u EXTS(SI)) & TO[4] then TRAP
+Special Registers Altered:
+ None
# Trap Word
-tw TO,RA,RB
+* tw TO,RA,RB
a <- EXTS((RA)[32:63])
b <- EXTS((RB)[32:63])
if (a <u b) & TO[3] then TRAP
if (a >u b) & TO[4] then TRAP
+Special Registers Altered:
+ None
# Trap Doubleword Immediate
-tdi TO,RA,SI
+* tdi TO,RA,SI
a <- (RA)
b <- EXTS(SI)
if (a <u b) & TO[3] then TRAP
if (a >u b) & TO[4] then TRAP
+Special Registers Altered:
+ None
# Trap Doubleword
-td TO,RA,RB
+* td TO,RA,RB
a <- (RA)
b <- (RB)
if (a <u b) & TO[3] then TRAP
if (a >u b) & TO[4] then TRAP
+Special Registers Altered:
+ None
# Integer Select
-isel RT,RA,RB,BC
+* isel RT,RA,RB,BC
if RA=0 then a <-0 else a <- (RA)
if CR[BC+32]=1 then RT <- a
else RT <- (RB)
+Special Registers Altered:
+ None