--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (C) 2009 by Thomas Petazzoni <thomas.petazzoni@free-electrons.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import argparse
+import datetime
+import fnmatch
+import os
+from collections import defaultdict
+import re
+import subprocess
+INFRA_RE = re.compile("\$\(eval \$\(([a-z-]*)-package\)\)")
+class Package:
+ all_licenses = list()
+ all_license_files = list()
+ def __init__(self, name, path):
+ self.name = name
+ self.path = path
+ self.infras = None
+ self.has_license = False
+ self.has_license_files = False
+ self.has_hash = False
+ self.patch_count = 0
+ self.warnings = 0
+ def pkgvar(self):
+ return self.name.upper().replace("-", "_")
+ def set_infra(self):
+ """
+ Fills in the .infras field
+ """
+ self.infras = list()
+ with open(self.path, 'r') as f:
+ lines = f.readlines()
+ for l in lines:
+ match = INFRA_RE.match(l)
+ if not match:
+ continue
+ infra = match.group(1)
+ if infra.startswith("host-"):
+ self.infras.append(("host", infra[5:]))
+ else:
+ self.infras.append(("target", infra))
+ def set_license(self):
+ """
+ Fills in the .has_license and .has_license_files fields
+ """
+ var = self.pkgvar()
+ if var in self.all_licenses:
+ self.has_license = True
+ if var in self.all_license_files:
+ self.has_license_files = True
+ def set_hash_info(self):
+ """
+ Fills in the .has_hash field
+ """
+ hashpath = self.path.replace(".mk", ".hash")
+ self.has_hash = os.path.exists(hashpath)
+ def set_patch_count(self):
+ """
+ Fills in the .patch_count field
+ """
+ self.patch_count = 0
+ pkgdir = os.path.dirname(self.path)
+ for subdir, _, _ in os.walk(pkgdir):
+ self.patch_count += len(fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(subdir), '*.patch'))
+ def set_check_package_warnings(self):
+ """
+ Fills in the .warnings field
+ """
+ cmd = ["./utils/check-package"]
+ pkgdir = os.path.dirname(self.path)
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(pkgdir):
+ for f in files:
+ if f.endswith(".mk") or f.endswith(".hash") or f == "Config.in" or f == "Config.in.host":
+ cmd.append(os.path.join(root, f))
+ o = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[1]
+ lines = o.splitlines()
+ for line in lines:
+ m = re.match("^([0-9]*) warnings generated", line)
+ if m:
+ self.warnings = int(m.group(1))
+ return
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return self.path == other.path
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ return self.path < other.path
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "%s (path='%s', license='%s', license_files='%s', hash='%s', patches=%d)" % \
+ (self.name, self.path, self.has_license, self.has_license_files, self.has_hash, self.patch_count)
+def get_pkglist():
+ """
+ Builds the list of Buildroot packages, returning a list of Package
+ objects. Only the .name and .path fields of the Package object are
+ initialized.
+ """
+ WALK_USEFUL_SUBDIRS = ["boot", "linux", "package", "toolchain"]
+ WALK_EXCLUDES = ["boot/common.mk",
+ "linux/linux-ext-.*.mk",
+ "package/freescale-imx/freescale-imx.mk",
+ "package/gcc/gcc.mk",
+ "package/gstreamer/gstreamer.mk",
+ "package/gstreamer1/gstreamer1.mk",
+ "package/gtk2-themes/gtk2-themes.mk",
+ "package/matchbox/matchbox.mk",
+ "package/opengl/opengl.mk",
+ "package/qt5/qt5.mk",
+ "package/x11r7/x11r7.mk",
+ "package/doc-asciidoc.mk",
+ "package/pkg-.*.mk",
+ "package/nvidia-tegra23/nvidia-tegra23.mk",
+ "toolchain/toolchain-external/pkg-toolchain-external.mk",
+ "toolchain/toolchain-external/toolchain-external.mk",
+ "toolchain/toolchain.mk",
+ "toolchain/helpers.mk",
+ "toolchain/toolchain-wrapper.mk"]
+ packages = list()
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk("."):
+ rootdir = root.split("/")
+ if len(rootdir) < 2:
+ continue
+ if rootdir[1] not in WALK_USEFUL_SUBDIRS:
+ continue
+ for f in files:
+ if not f.endswith(".mk"):
+ continue
+ # Strip ending ".mk"
+ pkgname = f[:-3]
+ pkgpath = os.path.join(root, f)
+ skip = False
+ for exclude in WALK_EXCLUDES:
+ # pkgpath[2:] strips the initial './'
+ if re.match(exclude, pkgpath[2:]):
+ skip = True
+ continue
+ if skip:
+ continue
+ p = Package(pkgname, pkgpath)
+ packages.append(p)
+ return packages
+def package_init_make_info():
+ # Licenses
+ o = subprocess.check_output(["make", "BR2_HAVE_DOT_CONFIG=y",
+ "-s", "printvars", "VARS=%_LICENSE"])
+ for l in o.splitlines():
+ # Get variable name and value
+ pkgvar, value = l.split("=")
+ # If present, strip HOST_ from variable name
+ if pkgvar.startswith("HOST_"):
+ pkgvar = pkgvar[5:]
+ # Strip _LICENSE
+ pkgvar = pkgvar[:-8]
+ # If value is "unknown", no license details available
+ if value == "unknown":
+ continue
+ Package.all_licenses.append(pkgvar)
+ # License files
+ o = subprocess.check_output(["make", "BR2_HAVE_DOT_CONFIG=y",
+ "-s", "printvars", "VARS=%_LICENSE_FILES"])
+ for l in o.splitlines():
+ # Get variable name and value
+ pkgvar, value = l.split("=")
+ # If present, strip HOST_ from variable name
+ if pkgvar.startswith("HOST_"):
+ pkgvar = pkgvar[5:]
+ if pkgvar.endswith("_MANIFEST_LICENSE_FILES"):
+ continue
+ pkgvar = pkgvar[:-14]
+ Package.all_license_files.append(pkgvar)
+def calculate_stats(packages):
+ stats = defaultdict(int)
+ for pkg in packages:
+ # If packages have multiple infra, take the first one. For the
+ # vast majority of packages, the target and host infra are the
+ # same. There are very few packages that use a different infra
+ # for the host and target variants.
+ if len(pkg.infras) > 0:
+ infra = pkg.infras[0][1]
+ stats["infra-%s" % infra] += 1
+ else:
+ stats["infra-unknown"] += 1
+ if pkg.has_license:
+ stats["license"] += 1
+ else:
+ stats["no-license"] += 1
+ if pkg.has_license_files:
+ stats["license-files"] += 1
+ else:
+ stats["no-license-files"] += 1
+ if pkg.has_hash:
+ stats["hash"] += 1
+ else:
+ stats["no-hash"] += 1
+ stats["patches"] += pkg.patch_count
+ return stats
+html_header = """
+<script src=\"https://www.kryogenix.org/code/browser/sorttable/sorttable.js\"></script>
+<style type=\"text/css\">
+table {
+ width: 100%;
+td {
+ border: 1px solid black;
+td.centered {
+ text-align: center;
+td.wrong {
+ background: #ff9a69;
+td.correct {
+ background: #d2ffc4;
+td.nopatches {
+ background: #d2ffc4;
+td.somepatches {
+ background: #ffd870;
+td.lotsofpatches {
+ background: #ff9a69;
+<title>Statistics of Buildroot packages</title>
+<a href=\"#results\">Results</a><br/>
+<p id=\"sortable_hint\"></p>
+html_footer = """
+if (typeof sorttable === \"object\") {
+ document.getElementById(\"sortable_hint\").innerHTML =
+ \"hint: the table can be sorted by clicking the column headers\"
+def infra_str(infra_list):
+ if not infra_list:
+ return "Unknown"
+ elif len(infra_list) == 1:
+ return "<b>%s</b><br/>%s" % (infra_list[0][1], infra_list[0][0])
+ elif infra_list[0][1] == infra_list[1][1]:
+ return "<b>%s</b><br/>%s + %s" % \
+ (infra_list[0][1], infra_list[0][0], infra_list[1][0])
+ else:
+ return "<b>%s</b> (%s)<br/><b>%s</b> (%s)" % \
+ (infra_list[0][1], infra_list[0][0],
+ infra_list[1][1], infra_list[1][0])
+def boolean_str(b):
+ if b:
+ return "Yes"
+ else:
+ return "No"
+def dump_html_pkg(f, pkg):
+ f.write(" <tr>\n")
+ f.write(" <td>%s</td>\n" % pkg.path[2:])
+ # Patch count
+ td_class = ["centered"]
+ if pkg.patch_count == 0:
+ td_class.append("nopatches")
+ elif pkg.patch_count < 5:
+ td_class.append("somepatches")
+ else:
+ td_class.append("lotsofpatches")
+ f.write(" <td class=\"%s\">%s</td>\n" %
+ (" ".join(td_class), str(pkg.patch_count)))
+ # Infrastructure
+ infra = infra_str(pkg.infras)
+ td_class = ["centered"]
+ if infra == "Unknown":
+ td_class.append("wrong")
+ else:
+ td_class.append("correct")
+ f.write(" <td class=\"%s\">%s</td>\n" %
+ (" ".join(td_class), infra_str(pkg.infras)))
+ # License
+ td_class = ["centered"]
+ if pkg.has_license:
+ td_class.append("correct")
+ else:
+ td_class.append("wrong")
+ f.write(" <td class=\"%s\">%s</td>\n" %
+ (" ".join(td_class), boolean_str(pkg.has_license)))
+ # License files
+ td_class = ["centered"]
+ if pkg.has_license_files:
+ td_class.append("correct")
+ else:
+ td_class.append("wrong")
+ f.write(" <td class=\"%s\">%s</td>\n" %
+ (" ".join(td_class), boolean_str(pkg.has_license_files)))
+ # Hash
+ td_class = ["centered"]
+ if pkg.has_hash:
+ td_class.append("correct")
+ else:
+ td_class.append("wrong")
+ f.write(" <td class=\"%s\">%s</td>\n" %
+ (" ".join(td_class), boolean_str(pkg.has_hash)))
+ # Warnings
+ td_class = ["centered"]
+ if pkg.warnings == 0:
+ td_class.append("correct")
+ else:
+ td_class.append("wrong")
+ f.write(" <td class=\"%s\">%d</td>\n" %
+ (" ".join(td_class), pkg.warnings))
+ f.write(" </tr>\n")
+def dump_html_all_pkgs(f, packages):
+ f.write("""
+<table class=\"sortable\">
+<td class=\"centered\">Patch count</td>
+<td class=\"centered\">Infrastructure</td>
+<td class=\"centered\">License</td>
+<td class=\"centered\">License files</td>
+<td class=\"centered\">Hash file</td>
+<td class=\"centered\">Warnings</td>
+ for pkg in sorted(packages):
+ dump_html_pkg(f, pkg)
+ f.write("</table>")
+def dump_html_stats(f, stats):
+ f.write("<a id=\"results\"></a>\n")
+ f.write("<table>\n")
+ infras = [infra[6:] for infra in stats.keys() if infra.startswith("infra-")]
+ for infra in infras:
+ f.write(" <tr><td>Packages using the <i>%s</i> infrastructure</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" %
+ (infra, stats["infra-%s" % infra]))
+ f.write(" <tr><td>Packages having license information</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" %
+ stats["license"])
+ f.write(" <tr><td>Packages not having license information</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" %
+ stats["no-license"])
+ f.write(" <tr><td>Packages having license files information</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" %
+ stats["license-files"])
+ f.write(" <tr><td>Packages not having license files information</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" %
+ stats["no-license-files"])
+ f.write(" <tr><td>Packages having a hash file</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" %
+ stats["hash"])
+ f.write(" <tr><td>Packages not having a hash file</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" %
+ stats["no-hash"])
+ f.write(" <tr><td>Total number of patches</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" %
+ stats["patches"])
+ f.write("</table>\n")
+def dump_gen_info(f):
+ # Updated on Mon Feb 19 08:12:08 CET 2018, Git commit aa77030b8f5e41f1c53eb1c1ad664b8c814ba032
+ o = subprocess.check_output(["git", "log", "master", "-n", "1", "--pretty=format:%H"])
+ git_commit = o.splitlines()[0]
+ f.write("<p><i>Updated on %s, git commit %s</i></p>\n" %
+ (str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()), git_commit))
+def dump_html(packages, stats, output):
+ with open(output, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(html_header)
+ dump_html_all_pkgs(f, packages)
+ dump_html_stats(f, stats)
+ dump_gen_info(f)
+ f.write(html_footer)
+def parse_args():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('-o', dest='output', action='store', required=True,
+ help='HTML output file')
+ return parser.parse_args()
+def __main__():
+ args = parse_args()
+ print "Build package list ..."
+ packages = get_pkglist()
+ print "Getting package make info ..."
+ package_init_make_info()
+ print "Getting package details ..."
+ for pkg in packages:
+ pkg.set_infra()
+ pkg.set_license()
+ pkg.set_hash_info()
+ pkg.set_patch_count()
+ pkg.set_check_package_warnings()
+ print "Calculate stats"
+ stats = calculate_stats(packages)
+ print "Write HTML"
+ dump_html(packages, stats, args.output)