!(iview->aspect_mask & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT))) {
iview->sampler_surface_state = alloc_surface_state(device);
+ iview->no_aux_sampler_surface_state = alloc_surface_state(device);
- /* Select the optimal aux_usage for sampling. */
+ /* Sampling is performed in one of two buffer configurations in anv: with
+ * an auxiliary buffer or without it. Sampler states aren't always needed
+ * for both configurations, but are currently created unconditionally for
+ * simplicity.
+ *
+ * TODO: Consider allocating each surface state only when necessary.
+ */
+ /* Create a sampler state with the optimal aux_usage for sampling. This
+ * may use the aux_buffer.
+ */
const enum isl_aux_usage surf_usage =
anv_layout_to_aux_usage(&device->info, image, iview->aspect_mask,
.aux_usage = surf_usage,
.mocs = device->default_mocs);
+ /* Create a sampler state that only uses the main buffer. */
+ isl_surf_fill_state(&device->isl_dev,
+ iview->no_aux_sampler_surface_state.map,
+ .surf = &surface->isl,
+ .view = &view,
+ .mocs = device->default_mocs);
anv_state_flush(device, iview->sampler_surface_state);
+ anv_state_flush(device, iview->no_aux_sampler_surface_state);
} else {
iview->sampler_surface_state.alloc_size = 0;
+ iview->no_aux_sampler_surface_state.alloc_size = 0;
/* NOTE: This one needs to go last since it may stomp isl_view.format */
/** RENDER_SURFACE_STATE when using image as a sampler surface. */
struct anv_state sampler_surface_state;
+ /**
+ * RENDER_SURFACE_STATE when using image as a sampler surface with the
+ * auxiliary buffer disabled.
+ */
+ struct anv_state no_aux_sampler_surface_state;
* RENDER_SURFACE_STATE when using image as a storage image. Separate states
* for write-only and readable, using the real format for write-only and the