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+# NGI POINTER Gigabit Ethernet Router Pinmux
+* NLnet page: [[nlnet_2021_crypto_router]]
+* Top-level bugreport: <https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=589>
+* Main page: [[crypto_router_asic]]
+# Expected Package
+* QFP 200 pin?
+# Functionality and Pincount:
+* 5x RGMII Ethernet - 5x12 = *60 pins*
+* 2x USB ULPI - 2x12 = *24 pins*
+* GPIO (plain and EINT) - *? pins*
+* SDRAM - 16-bit data, 9-bit addr, rd/wr - *approx 30 pins?*
+* I2C - *2 pins*
+* SPI - assuming 4-pin - *4 pins*
+* QSPI - *6 pins*
+* JTAG - Can't read nmigen well enough, assuming TCK, TDO, TMS, TDI - *4 pins*
+* Power Vdd and Vss - *? pins*
+RGMII pinout count comes from [here] (https://web.pa.msu.edu/hep/atlas/l1calo/hub/hardware/components/micrel/rgmii_specification_hp_v1.3_dec_2000.pdf)
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