return os.path.join(fdir, "openpower", "isa")
-pattern_opcode = r"[A-Za-z0-9_\.]+\.?"
-pattern_dynamic = r"[A-Za-z0-9_]+(?:\([A-Za-z0-9_]+\))*"
-pattern_static = r"[A-Za-z0-9]+\=[01]"
-regex_opcode = re.compile(f"^{pattern_opcode}$")
-regex_dynamic = re.compile(f"^{pattern_dynamic}(?:,{pattern_dynamic})*$")
-regex_static = re.compile(f"^\({pattern_static}(?:\s{pattern_static})*\)$")
def operands(opcode, desc):
if desc is None:
rest = l[1:].strip()
(opcode, _, rest) = map(str.strip, rest.partition(" "))
- if regex_opcode.match(opcode) is None:
- raise IOError(repr(opcode))
opcode = [opcode]
(dynamic, _, rest) = map(str.strip, rest.partition(" "))
- if regex_dynamic.match(dynamic) is None and dynamic:
- raise IOError(f"{l!r}: {dynamic!r}")
if dynamic:
static = rest
- if regex_static.match(static) is None and static:
- raise IOError(f"{l!r}: {static!r}")
if static:
opcode.extend(static[1:-1].split(" "))