print("$var integer 32 t smt_step $end", file=self.f)
print("$var event 1 ! smt_clock $end", file=self.f)
+ def vcdescape(n):
+ if n.startswith("$") or ":" in n:
+ return "\\" + n
+ return n
scope = []
for path in sorted(self.nets):
key, width = self.nets[path]
uipath = list(path)
- if "." in uipath[-1]:
+ if "." in uipath[-1] and not uipath[-1].startswith("$"):
uipath = uipath[0:-1] + uipath[-1].split(".")
for i in range(len(uipath)):
uipath[i] = re.sub(r"\[([^\]]*)\]", r"<\1>", uipath[i])
while uipath[:-1] != scope:
scopename = uipath[len(scope)]
- if scopename.startswith("$"):
- scopename = "\\" + scopename
- print("$scope module %s $end" % scopename, file=self.f)
+ print("$scope module %s $end" % vcdescape(scopename), file=self.f)
if path in self.clocks and self.clocks[path][1] == "event":
- print("$var event 1 %s %s $end" % (key, uipath[-1]), file=self.f)
+ print("$var event 1 %s %s $end" % (key, vcdescape(uipath[-1])), file=self.f)
- print("$var wire %d %s %s $end" % (width, key, uipath[-1]), file=self.f)
+ print("$var wire %d %s %s $end" % (width, key, vcdescape(uipath[-1])), file=self.f)
for i in range(len(scope)):
print("$upscope $end", file=self.f)