else {
- if (!derived_module->get_bool_attribute(ID::abc9_box) && !derived_module->get_bool_attribute(ID::abc9_bypass))
+ if (!derived_module->get_bool_attribute(ID::abc9_box) && !derived_module->get_bool_attribute(ID::abc9_bypass)) {
+ if (unmap_design->module(derived_type)) {
+ // If derived_type is present in unmap_design, it means that it was processed previously, but found to be incompatible -- e.g. if
+ // it contained a non-zero initial state. In this case, continue to replace the cell type/parameters so that it has the same properties
+ // as a compatible type, yet will be safely unmapped later
+ cell->type = derived_type;
+ cell->parameters.clear();
+ }
+ }
if (!unmap_design->module(derived_type)) {
if (!inst_module->get_bool_attribute(ID::abc9_flop))
log_assert(!inst_module->get_blackbox_attribute(true /* ignore_wb */));
- log_assert(cell->parameters.empty());
+ if (!cell->parameters.empty())
+ {
+ // At this stage of the ABC9 flow, cells instantiating (* abc9_flop *) modules must not contain any parameters -- instead it should
+ // be instantiating the derived module which will have had any parameters constant-propagated.
+ // This task is expected to be performed by `abc9_ops -prep_hier`, but it looks like it failed to do so for this design.
+ // Please file a bug report!
+ log_error("Not expecting parameters on cell '%s' instantiating module '%s' marked (* abc9_flop *)\n", log_id(cell->name), log_id(cell->type));
+ };
if (!cell->parameters.empty())
- // At this stage of the ABC9 flow, all modules must be nonparametric, because ABC itself requires concrete netlists, and the presence of
- // parameters implies a non-concrete netlist. This means an (* abc9_box *) parametric module but due to a bug somewhere this hasn't been
- // uniquified into a concrete parameter-free module. This is a bug, and a bug report would be welcomed.
- log_error("Not expecting parameters on module '%s' marked (* abc9_box *)\n", log_id(cell_name));
+ // At this stage of the ABC9 flow, cells instantiating (* abc9_box *) modules must not contain any parameters -- instead it should
+ // be instantiating the derived module which will have had any parameters constant-propagated.
+ // This task is expected to be performed by `abc9_ops -prep_hier`, but it looks like it failed to do so for this design.
+ // Please file a bug report!
+ log_error("Not expecting parameters on cell '%s' instantiating module '%s' marked (* abc9_box *)\n", log_id(cell_name), log_id(cell->type));
run("dfflegalize" + dfflegalize_args, "($_DFFSR_*_ only if -asyncprld, $_*DFFE_* only if not -nodffe)");
if ((abc9 && dff) || help_mode)
- run("zinit -all w:* t:$_DFF_?_ t:$_DFFE_??_ t:$_SDFF*", "(only if -abc9 and -dff");
+ run("zinit -all w:* t:$_DFF_?_ t:$_DFFE_??_ t:$_SDFF*", "(only if -abc9 and -dff)");
run(stringf("techmap -D NO_LUT %s -map +/ecp5/cells_map.v", help_mode ? "[-D ASYNC_PRLD]" : (asyncprld ? "-D ASYNC_PRLD" : "")));
run("opt_expr -undriven -mux_undef");
--- /dev/null
+read_verilog -icells <<EOF
+module top(input c, r, input [1:0] d, output reg [1:0] q);
+TRELLIS_FF #(.REGSET("SET")) ff1(.CLK(c), .LSR(r), .DI(d[0]), .Q(q[0]));
+TRELLIS_FF #(.REGSET("SET")) ff2(.CLK(c), .LSR(r), .DI(d[1]), .Q(q[1]));
+synth_ecp5 -abc9 -dff