finds the first bit set as an index.
+ uint_xlen_t clz(uint_xlen_t rs1)
+ {
+ for (int count = 0; count < XLEN; count++)
+ if ((rs1 << count) >> (XLEN - 1))
+ return count;
+ return XLEN; // -1
+ }
+This is similar but not identical to BitManip "CLZ". CLZ returns XLEN when no bits are set, whereas RVV returns -1.
## sbf - set before first bit
Sets all LSBs leading up to where an LSB in the src is set. If the second
## sif - set including first bit
+Similar to sbf except including the bit which ends a run.
# Example
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Element number