Trace("smt") << "setting ite simplification to " << iteSimp << endl;
+ // Turn off array eager index splitting for QF_AUFLIA
+ if(! options::arraysEagerIndexSplitting.wasSetByUser()) {
+ if (not d_logic.isQuantified() &&
+ d_logic.isTheoryEnabled(THEORY_ARRAY) &&
+ d_logic.isTheoryEnabled(THEORY_UF) &&
+ d_logic.isTheoryEnabled(THEORY_ARITH)) {
+ Trace("smt") << "setting array eager index splitting to false" << endl;
+ options::arraysEagerIndexSplitting.set(false);
+ }
+ }
// Turn on multiple-pass non-clausal simplification for QF_AUFBV
if(! options::repeatSimp.wasSetByUser()) {
bool repeatSimp = !d_logic.isQuantified() &&
unsigned constraintIdx;
Node assertion, assertionToCheck;
vector<TNode> assumptions;
+ // int numrestarts = 0;
while (true) {
+ // ++numrestarts;
int level = getSatContext()->getLevel();
for (constraintIdx = 0; constraintIdx < d_modelConstraints.size(); ++constraintIdx) {
- // d_lemmas.push_back(mkAnd(assumptions, true));
bool eq = false;
Node decision, explanation;
d_conflict = true;
+ {
+ // generate lemma
+ // if (all.size() == 0) {
+ // d_lemmas.push_back(decision.negate());
+ // }
+ // else {
+ // NodeBuilder<> disjunction(kind::OR);
+ // std::set<TNode>::const_iterator it = all.begin();
+ // std::set<TNode>::const_iterator it_end = all.end();
+ // while (it != it_end) {
+ // disjunction << (*it).negate();
+ // ++it;
+ // }
+ // disjunction << decision.negate();
+ // d_lemmas.push_back(disjunction);
+ // }
+ }
d_equalityEngine.assertEquality(decision, eq, explanation);
if (!eq) decision = decision.notNode();
Debug("arrays-model-based") << "Asserting learned literal " << decision << " with explanation " << explanation << endl;
- if (!d_conflict) {
+ if (!d_conflict && fullEffort(e)) {
context::CDList<Assertion>::const_iterator assert_it = facts_begin(), assert_it_end = facts_end();
for (; assert_it != assert_it_end; ++assert_it) {
Assert(getModelVal(*assert_it) == d_true);