--- /dev/null
+### Makefile for the cclass project
+WORKING_DIR := $(shell pwd)
+BSVINCDIR:= .:%/Prelude:%/Libraries:%/Libraries/BlueNoC:
+BSVINCDIR:= $(BSVINCDIR):../../core
+BSVINCDIR:= $(BSVINCDIR):../../uncore/axi4
+BSVINCDIR:= $(BSVINCDIR):../../uncore/axi4lite
+default: gen_verilog
+ @if test -z "$$BLUESPECDIR"; then echo "BLUESPECDIR variable not set"; exit 1; fi;
+###### Setting the variables for bluespec compile #$############################
+BSVCOMPILEOPTS:= -check-assert -suppress-warnings G0020 -keep-fires -opt-undetermined-vals -remove-false-rules -remove-empty-rules -remove-starved-rules
+BSVLINKOPTS:=-parallel-sim-link 8 -keep-fires
+########## BSIM COMPILE, LINK AND SIMULATE TARGETS ##########################
+.PHONY: check-restore
+ @if [ "$(define_macros)" != "$(old_define_macros)" ]; then make clean ; fi;
+.PHONY: gen_verilog
+gen_verilog: check-restore check-blue
+ @echo Compiling mkTbSoc in Verilog for simulations ...
+ @mkdir -p $(BSVBUILDDIR);
+ @mkdir -p $(VERILOGDIR);
+ bsc -u -verilog -elab -vdir $(VERILOGDIR) -bdir $(BSVBUILDDIR) -info-dir $(BSVBUILDDIR) $(define_macros) -D verilog=True $(BSVCOMPILEOPTS) -verilog-filter ${BLUESPECDIR}/bin/basicinout -p $(BSVINCDIR) -g $(TOP_MODULE) $(TOP_DIR)/$(TOP_FILE) 2>&1 | tee bsv_compile.log
+ @echo Compilation finished
+.PHONY: clean
+ rm -rf $(BSVBUILDDIR) *.log $(BSVOUTDIR) ./bbl*
+ rm -rf verilog obj_dir bsv_src
-package spi;
+package quart;
import AXI4_Lite_Types :: *;
import AXI4_Lite_Fabric :: *;
import GetPut::*;
- import qspi::*;
+ import Uart16550::*;
`include "instance_defines.bsv"
(*always_ready, always_enabled*)
- interface SPI_out;
- interface Get#(Bit#(1)) clk_o;
- method Bit#(9) io0_sdio_ctrl;
- method Bit#(9) io1_sdio_ctrl;
- // index 0 is MOSI, index 1 is MISO.
- interface Get#(Bit#(2)) io_out;
- interface Get#(Bit#(2)) io_out_en;
- interface Put#(Bit#(2)) io_in;
- interface Get#(Bit#(1)) ncs_o;
+ interface QUART_out;
+ interface Put#(Bit#(1)) srx_in;
+ interface Put#(Bit#(1)) cts_in;
+ interface Get#(Bit#(1)) stx_out;
+ interface Get#(Bit#(1)) rts_out;
- interface Ifc_spi;
- interface SPI_out out;
+ interface QUART_AXI4_Lite_Ifc;
+ interface QUART_out out;
interface AXI4_Lite_Slave_IFC#(`PADDR,`Reg_width,`USERSPACE) slave;
- // 0=TOF, 1=SMF, 2=Threshold, 3=TCF, 4=TEF 5 = request_ready
- method Bit#(6) interrupts;
+ (* always_ready, always_enabled *) method Bit#(1) irq;
- module mkspi(Ifc_spi);
- Ifc_qspi qspi <- mkqspi();
- interface out = interface SPI_out
- method Bit#(9) io0_sdio_ctrl;
- return qspi.out.io0_sdio_ctrl;
- endmethod
- method Bit#(9) io1_sdio_ctrl;
- return qspi.out.io1_sdio_ctrl;
- endmethod
- interface io_out = interface Get
- method ActionValue#(Bit#(2)) get;
- let temp2 <- qspi.out.io_out.get;
- Bit#(2) temp;
- temp[0] = temp2[0];
- temp[1] = temp2[1];
+ module mkQUART#(Clock core_clock, Reset core_reset)
+ (QUART_AXI4_Lite_Ifc);
+ Uart16550_AXI4_Lite_Ifc uart <- mkUart16550(core_clock, core_reset);
+ //uart.pin_dsr_sync <= in;
+ //uart.pin_ri_sync <= in;
+ //uart.pin_dcd_sync <= in;
+ Bit#(1) v1 = 1;
+ Bit#(1) v0 = 1;
+ let dsr_in = uart.coe_rs232.dsr_in.put;
+ dsr_in = v1;
+ let dcd_in = uart.coe_rs232.dcd_in.put;
+ dcd_in = v1;
+ let ri_in = uart.coe_rs232.ri_in.put;
+ ri_in = v0;
+ let temp2 <- uart.coe_rs232.dtr_out.get;
+ Bit#(1) temp = temp2;
+ uart.coe_rs232.dtr_out.get(temp);
+ interface out = interface QUART_out
+ interface srx_in = interface Put
+ method Action put(Bit#(1) in);
+ uart.coe_rs232.srx_in.put(in); // RX Input
+ endmethod
+ endinterface;
+ interface cts_in = interface Put
+ method Action put(Bit#(1) in);
+ uart.coe_rs232.cts_in.put(in); // CTS Input
+ endmethod
+ endinterface;
+ interface stx_out = interface Get
+ method ActionValue#(Bit#(1)) get;
+ let temp2 <- uart.coe_rs232.stx_out.get;
+ Bit#(1) temp = temp2;
return temp;
- endmethod
- endinterface;
- interface io_out_en = interface Get
- method ActionValue#(Bit#(2)) get;
- let temp2 <- qspi.out.io_out_en.get;
- Bit#(2) temp;
- temp[0] = temp2[0];
- temp[1] = temp2[1];
+ endmethod
+ endinterface;
+ interface rts_out = interface Get
+ method ActionValue#(Bit#(1)) get;
+ let temp2 <- uart.coe_rs232.rts_out.get;
+ Bit#(1) temp = temp2;
return temp;
- endmethod
- endinterface;
- interface io_in = interface Put
- method Action put(Bit#(2) in);
- Bit#(4) temp;
- temp[3] = 0;
- temp[2] = 0;
- temp[1] = in[1];
- temp[0] = in[0];
- qspi.out.io_in.put(temp);
- endmethod
- endinterface;
- interface clk_o = qspi.out.clk_o;
- interface ncs_o = qspi.out.ncs_o;
+ endmethod
+ endinterface;
- interface slave = qspi.slave;
+ interface slave = uart.slave_axi_uart;
- // 0=TOF, 1=SMF, 2=Threshold, 3=TCF, 4=TEF 5=request_ready
- method Bit#(6) interrupts;
- return qspi.interrupts;
+ method Bit#(1) irq;
+ return uart.irq;