case SpvOpArrayLength: {
struct vtn_pointer *ptr =
vtn_value(b, w[3], vtn_value_type_pointer)->pointer;
+ const uint32_t field = w[4];
- const uint32_t offset = ptr->var->type->offsets[w[4]];
- const uint32_t stride = ptr->var->type->members[w[4]]->stride;
+ vtn_fail_if(ptr->type->base_type != vtn_base_type_struct,
+ "OpArrayLength must take a pointer to a structure type");
+ vtn_fail_if(field != ptr->type->length - 1 ||
+ ptr->type->members[field]->base_type != vtn_base_type_array,
+ "OpArrayLength must reference the last memeber of the "
+ "structure and that must be an array");
+ const uint32_t offset = ptr->type->offsets[field];
+ const uint32_t stride = ptr->type->members[field]->stride;
if (!ptr->block_index) {
struct vtn_access_chain chain = {