format MiscOp {
150: isync({{ }}, [ IsSerializeAfter ]);
+ 18: rfid({{
+ uint32_t msr12=(bits(MSR,60)&bits(SRR1,12))
+ |((bits(MSR,60)^0x01)&bits(MSR,12));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,12,msr12);
+ uint32_t msr60=bits(MSR,60)&bits(SRR1,60);
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,60,msr60);
+ if((bits(MSR,34,32)!=0x02)|(bits(SRR1,34,32)!=0x00))
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,34,32,bits(SRR1,34,32));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,15,(bits(SRR1,15)|bits(SRR1,14)));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,5,(bits(SRR1,5)|bits(SRR1,14)));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,4,(bits(SRR1,4)|bits(SRR1,14)));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,63,61,bits(SRR1,63,61));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,59,35,bits(SRR1,59,35));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,31,bits(SRR1,31));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,26,22,bits(SRR1,26,22));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,14,13,bits(SRR1,14,13));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,11,6,bits(SRR1,11,6));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,3,0,bits(SRR1,3,0));
+ NIA = SRR0 & -4ULL;
+ }});
+ 274: hrfid({{
+ if((bits(MSR,34,32)!=0x02)|(bits(HSRR1,34,32)!=0x00))
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,34,32,bits(HSRR1,34,32));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,15,(bits(HSRR1,15)|bits(HSRR1,14)));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,5,(bits(HSRR1,5)|bits(HSRR1,14)));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,4,(bits(HSRR1,4)|bits(HSRR1,14)));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,63,35,bits(HSRR1,63,35));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,31,bits(HSRR1,31));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,26,22,bits(HSRR1,26,22));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,14,6,bits(HSRR1,14,6));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,3,0,bits(HSRR1,3,0));
+ NIA = HSRR0 & -4ULL;
+ }});
default: decode DX_XO {
+ // Generic integer format instructions.
+ format IntOp {
+ 339: decode SPR {
+ 0x20: mfxer({{ Rt = XER; }});
+ 0x100: mflr({{ Rt = LR; }});
+ 0x120: mfctr({{ Rt = CTR; }});
+ 0x188: mftb({{ Rt = TB; }});
+ 0x220: mfdscr({{ Rt = DSCR; }});
+ 0x240: mfdsisr({{ Rt = DSISR; }});
+ 0x260: mfdar({{ Rt = DAR; }});
+ 0x2C0: mfdec({{ Rt = DEC; }});
+ 0x340: mfsrr0({{ Rt = SRR0; }});
+ 0x360: mfsrr1({{ Rt = SRR1; }});
+ 0x380: mfcfar({{ Rt = CFAR; }});
+ 0x104: mfctrl({{ Rt = CTRL; }});
+ 0x008: mfvrsave({{ Rt = VRSAVE; }});
+ 0x1A8: mftbu({{ Rt = TBU; }});
+ 0x3E8: mfpvr({{ Rt = PVR; }});
+ 0x01C: mfppr({{ Rt = PPR; }});
+ 0x05C: mfppr2({{ Rt =PPR32; }});
+ 0x20E: mfptcr({{ Rt = PTCR; }});
+ 0x208: mfsprg0({{Rt = SPRG0;}});
+ 0x228: mfsprg1({{Rt = SPRG1;}});
+ 0x248: mfsprg2({{Rt = SPRG2;}});
+ 0x268: mfsprg3({{Rt = SPRG3;}});
+ 0x3c9: mflpcr({{Rt = LPCR;}});
+ 0x324: mffscr({{Rt = FSCR;}});
+ 0x2fa: mfpsscr({{Rt = PSSCR;}});
+ 0x3e9: mflpidr({{Rt = LPIDR;}});
+ 0x3c5: mfhfscr({{Rt = HFSCR;}});
+ 0x21f: mfhir0({{Rt = HIR0;}});
+ 0x3aa: mfamor({{Rt = AMOR;}});
+ 0x3a1: mfiamr({{Rt = IAMR;}});
+ 0x369: mfhssr1({{Rt = HSRR1;}});
+ 0x349: mfhssr0({{Rt = HSRR0;}});
+ 0x2c9: mfhdec({{Rt = HDEC;}});
+ 0x24a: mfpcr({{Rt = PCR;}});
+ }
+ 467: decode SPR {
+ 0x20: mtxer({{ XER = Rs; }});
+ 0x100: mtlr({{ LR = Rs; }});
+ 0x120: mtctr({{ CTR = Rs; }});
+ 0x390: mttbl({{ TBL = Rs; }});
+ 0x220: mtdscr({{ DSCR = Rs; }});
+ 0x240: mtdsisr({{ DSISR = Rs; }});
+ 0x260: mtdar({{ DAR = Rs; }});
+ 0x2C0: mtdec({{ DEC = Rs; }});
+ 0x340: mtsrr0({{ SRR0 = Rs; }});
+ 0x360: mtsrr1({{ SRR1 = Rs; }});
+ 0x380: mtcfar({{ CFAR = Rs; }});
+ 0x304: mtctrl({{ CTRL = Rs; }});
+ 0x008: mtvrsave({{ VRSAVE = Rs; }});
+ 0x1A8: mttbu({{ TBU = Rs; }});
+ 0x01C: mtppr({{ PPR = Rs; }});
+ 0x05C: mtppr32({{ PPR32 = Rs; }});
+ 0x20E: mtptcr({{ PTCR = Rs; }});
+ 0x208: mtsprg0({{SPRG0 = Rs;}});
+ 0x228: mtsprg1({{SPRG1 = Rs;}});
+ 0x248: mtsprg2({{SPRG2 = Rs;}});
+ 0x268: mtsprg3({{SPRG3 = Rs;}});
+ 0x3c9: mtlpcr({{LPCR = Rs;}});
+ 0x324: mtfscr({{FSCR = Rs;}});
+ 0x258: mtmmcra({{MMCRA = Rs;}});
+ 0x378: mtmmcr0({{MMCR0 = Rs;}});
+ 0x3d8: mtmmcr1({{MMCR1 = Rs;}});
+ 0x238: mtmmcr2({{MMCR2 = Rs;}});
+ 0x2fa: mtpsscr({{PSSCR = Rs;}});
+ 0x3e9: mtlpidr({{LPIDR = Rs;}});
+ 0x201: mtpidr({{PIDR = Rs;}});
+ 0x3c5: mthfscr({{HFSCR = Rs;}});
+ 0x27a: mtmmcrc({{MMCRC = Rs;}});
+ 0x209: mthsprg0({{HSPRG0 = Rs;}});
+ 0x21f: mthir0({{HIR0 = Rs;}});
+ 0x3aa: mtamor({{AMOR = Rs;}});
+ 0x3a1: mtiamr({{IAMR = Rs;}});
+ 0x369: mthssr1({{HSRR1 = Rs;}});
+ 0x349: mthssr0({{HSRR0 = Rs;}});
+ 0x2c9: mthdec({{HDEC = Rs;}});
+ 0x24a: mtpcr({{PCR = Rs;}});
+ }
+ 83: mfmsr({{ Rt = MSR }});
+ 178: mtmsrd({{
+ if (L == 0 ) {
+ uint64_t val = bits(Rs, 34, 32);
+ if(bits(MSR, 34, 32) != 0x2 || val != 0x0) {
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR, 34, 32, val);
+ }
+ val = bits(Rs, 14);
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR, 5, bits(Rs, 5) | val);
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR, 4, bits(Rs, 4) | val);
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR, 63, 61, bits(Rs, 63, 61));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR, 59, 35, bits(Rs, 59, 35));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR, 31, 16, bits(Rs, 31, 16));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR, 14, 13, bits(Rs, 14, 13));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR, 11, 6, bits(Rs, 11, 6));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR, 3, 1, bits(Rs, 3, 1));
+ } else {
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR, 15, bits(Rs, 15));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR, 1, bits(Rs, 1));
+ }
+ }}, [ IsPrivileged ]);
+ 146: mtmsr({{
+ if( L ==0 ){
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,15,bits(Rs,15)|bits(Rs,14));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,5,bits(Rs,5)|bits(Rs,14));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,4,bits(Rs,4)|bits(Rs,14));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,31,16,bits(Rs,31,16));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,14,13,bits(Rs,14,13));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,11,6,bits(Rs,11,6));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,3,1,bits(Rs,3,1));
+ }
+ else{
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,15,bits(Rs,15));
+ MSR = insertBits(MSR,1,bits(Rs,1));
+ }
+ }});
+ }
// Integer logic instructions use source registers Rs and Rb,
// with destination register Ra.
format IntLogicOp {
- // Generic integer format instructions.
- format IntOp {
- 339: decode SPR {
- 0x20: mfxer({{ Rt = XER; }});
- 0x100: mflr({{ Rt = LR; }});
- 0x120: mfctr({{ Rt = CTR; }});
- 0x32f: mftar({{ Rt = TAR; }});
- 0x188: mftb({{ Rt = 0; }}); // FIXME
- }
- 467: decode SPR {
- 0x20: mtxer({{ XER = Rs; }});
- 0x100: mtlr({{ LR = Rs; }});
- 0x120: mtctr({{ CTR = Rs; }});
- 0x32f: mttar({{ TAR = Rs; }});
- }
- }
format StoreIndexOp {
663: stfsx({{ Mem_sf = Fs_sf; }});
727: stfdx({{ Mem_df = Fs; }});
'LR': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_LR', 'IsInteger', 9),
'CTR': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_CTR', 'IsInteger', 9),
'TAR': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_TAR', 'IsInteger', 9),
+ 'XER': ('IntReg', 'uw', 'INTREG_XER', 'IsInteger', 9),
+ 'DSCR': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_DSCR', 'IsInteger', 9),
+ 'DSISR': ('IntReg', 'uw', 'INTREG_DSISR', 'IsInteger', 9),
+ 'DAR': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_DAR', 'IsInteger', 9),
+ 'DEC': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_DEC', 'IsInteger', 9),
+ 'SRR0': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_SRR0', 'IsInteger', 9),
+ 'SRR1': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_SRR1', 'IsInteger', 9),
+ 'CFAR': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_CFAR', 'IsInteger', 9),
+ 'CTRL': ('IntReg', 'uw', 'INTREG_CTRL', 'IsInteger', 9),
+ 'VRSAVE': ('IntReg', 'uw', 'INTREG_VRSAVE', 'IsInteger', 9),
+ 'TB': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_TB', 'IsInteger', 9),
+ 'TBU': ('IntReg', 'uw', 'INTREG_TBU', 'IsInteger', 9),
+ 'TBL': ('IntReg', 'uw', 'INTREG_TBL', 'IsInteger', 9),
+ 'PVR': ('IntReg', 'uw', 'INTREG_PVR', 'IsInteger', 9),
+ 'PPR': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_PPR', 'IsInteger', 9),
+ 'PPR32': ('IntReg', 'uw', 'INTREG_PPR32', 'IsInteger', 9),
+ 'PTCR': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_PTCR', 'IsInteger', 9),
+ 'SPRG0': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_SPRG0', 'IsInteger', 9),
+ 'SPRG1': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_SPRG1', 'IsInteger', 9),
+ 'SPRG2': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_SPRG2', 'IsInteger', 9),
+ 'SPRG3': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_SPRG3', 'IsInteger', 9),
+ 'LPCR': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_LPCR', 'IsInteger' , 9),
+ 'FSCR': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_FSCR', 'IsInteger' , 9),
+ 'MMCRA': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_MMCRA', 'IsInteger' , 9),
+ 'MMCR0': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_MMCR0', 'IsInteger' , 9),
+ 'MMCR1': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_MMCR1', 'IsInteger' , 9),
+ 'MMCR2': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_MMCR2', 'IsInteger' , 9),
+ 'PSSCR': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_PSSCR', 'IsInteger' , 9),
+ 'LPIDR': ('IntReg', 'uw', 'INTREG_LPIDR', 'IsInteger' , 9),
+ 'PIDR': ('IntReg', 'uw', 'INTREG_PIDR', 'IsInteger' , 9),
+ 'HFSCR': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_HFSCR', 'IsInteger' , 9),
+ 'HSPRG0': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_HSPRG0', 'IsInteger' , 9),
+ 'HIR0': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_HIR0', 'IsInteger' , 9),
+ 'MMCRC': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_MMCRC', 'IsInteger' , 9),
+ 'AMOR': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_AMOR', 'IsInteger' , 9),
+ 'IAMR': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_IAMR', 'IsInteger' , 9),
+ 'HSRR1': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_HSRR1', 'IsInteger' , 9),
+ 'HSRR0': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_HSRR0', 'IsInteger' , 9),
+ 'HDEC': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_HDEC', 'IsInteger' , 9),
+ 'PCR': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_PCR', 'IsInteger' , 9),
# Setting as IntReg so things are stored as an integer, not double
'FPSCR': ('IntReg', 'uw', 'INTREG_FPSCR', 'IsFloating', 9),
+ 'MSR': ('IntReg', 'ud', 'INTREG_MSR', 'IsFloating', 9),
# Registers for linked loads and stores
'Rsv': ('IntReg', 'uw', 'INTREG_RSV', 'IsInteger', 9),