759: stfdux({{ Mem_df = Fs; }});
+ format MiscOp {
+ 238: msgclr({{
+ ThreadContext *tc = xc->tcBase();
+ ThreadID t = tc->threadId();
+ if(bits(Rb_ud, 31, 27) == 0x5) {
+ tc->getCpuPtr()->clearInterrupt(t, 7, 0);
+ }
+ }});
+ 886:msgsync({{ }});
+ 206: msgsnd({{
+ if(bits(Rb_ud, 31, 27) == 0x5) {
+ ThreadContext *tc = xc->tcBase();
+ //Check for all threads in that processor
+ //to generate Doorbell Interrupt.
+ for(ThreadID i = 0; i < tc->getCpuPtr()->numContexts();
+ i++) {
+ if(i != tc->threadId())
+ {
+ ThreadContext *t = tc->getCpuPtr()->getContext(i);
+ printf("Read register PIR value %d Thread Id %d\n",
+ (int)t->readIntReg(INTREG_PIR),(int)i);
+ uint32_t val1 = t->readIntReg(INTREG_PIR);
+ printf("Read second register\n");
+ printf("Read register Rb_ud value 0x%016lxThread Id %d\n",
+ Rb_ud,(int)tc->threadId());
+ uint64_t val2 = Rb_ud;
+ printf("Reading done");
+ if(bits(val1, 19, 0) == bits(val2, 19, 0)){
+ printf("Intterupt Happen\n");
+ t->getCpuPtr()->postInterrupt(i, 7, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }});
+ 174: msgclrp({{
+ ThreadContext *tc = xc->tcBase();
+ int t = tc->threadId();
+ if(bits(Rb_ud, 31, 27) == 0x5) {
+ DPDES = DPDES & ~(1 << (t - 1));
+ }
+ }}, [ IsPrivileged ]);
+ }
// These instructions all provide data cache hints
// Right now doesn't have cache support
format MiscOp {