manufacture FOSS ASICs in 7nm (unless several billion dollars is available
to buy a Foundry and open up its PDK). To that end RED Semiconductor Ltd
has been formed which will commercialise Libre-SOC's designs and handle
-any Commercially-confidential matters that a committed FOSSHW team simply
+any Commercially-confidential matters that a Transparency-committed
+FOSSHW team simply
cannot. Thus, RS will join the OpenPOWER Foundation and help ensure,
-from the "other side of the fence", that matters progress smoothly in
-particular with IBM and other OPF Members.
+from the "other side of the fence", that matters progress smoothly
+for IBM and other OPF Members.
We are already set to submit presentations through multiple Conferences
as has been ongoing since 2019 as can be seen at <> and will continue to submit press releases to
+OPF <>. Our entire development is public
+so is accessible to all.
# Extra info to be submitted
-* TODO URLs etc
+the budget is high because we honestly do not know yet how much work
+IBM and the ISA WG expects us to do. we do however know that there
+will be announcements very soon. If it turns out to be less work
+we are more than happy to go with a proportionately smaller budget.