Currently, the per-package legal-info is mostly silent, but we're soon
to add a check for the hashes of the license files.
In that case, and when there is a hash mis-match, we want a user to know
what package had a changed license file.
So, we add a call to MESSAGE to display the package we're currently
saving the legal-info of, like so:
>>> busybox 1.26.2 Collecting legal info
Signed-off-by: "Yann E. MORIN" <>
Cc: Luca Ceresoli <>
Cc: Peter Korsgaard <>
Cc: Rahul Bedarkar <>
Signed-off-by: Peter Korsgaard <>
# legal-info: produce legally relevant info.
+$(1)-legal-info: PKG=$(2)
+ @$$(call MESSAGE,"Collecting legal info")
# Packages without a source are assumed to be part of Buildroot, skip them.
$$(foreach hook,$$($(2)_PRE_LEGAL_INFO_HOOKS),$$(call $$(hook))$$(sep))
ifneq ($$(call qstrip,$$($(2)_SOURCE)),)