* [OpenPOWER OpenFSI Compliance Spec](http://openpowerfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/resources/openpower-fsi-thts-1.0/openpower-fsi-thts-20180130.pdf)
+## JTAG
+* [Useful JTAG implementation reference: Design Of IEEE 1149.1 TAP Controller IP Core by Shelja, Nandakumar and Muruganantham, DOI:10.5121/csit.2016.60910](https://airccj.org/CSCP/vol6/csit65610.pdf)
+ Abstract
+ "The objective of this work is to design and implement a TAP controller IP core compatible with IEEE 1149.1-2013 revision of the standard. The test logic architecture also includes the Test Mode Persistence controller and its associated logic. This work is expected to serve as a ready to use module that can be directly inserted in to a new digital IC designs with little modifications."
# RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture
**PLEASE UPDATE** - we are no longer implementing full RISCV, only user-space