--- /dev/null
+set -ex
+rm -rf test_cells.tmp
+mkdir -p test_cells.tmp
+cd test_cells.tmp
+# don't test $mul to reduce runtime
+# don't test $div and $mod to reduce runtime and avoid "div by zero" message
+../../../yosys -p 'test_cell -n 5 -w test all /$alu /$fa /$lcu /$lut /$macc /$mul /$div /$mod'
+cat > template.txt << "EOT"
+%module main
+ INVARSPEC ! bool(_trigger);
+for fn in test_*.il; do
+ ../../../yosys -p "
+ read_ilang $fn
+ rename gold gate
+ synth
+ read_ilang $fn
+ miter -equiv -flatten gold gate main
+ hierarchy -top main
+ write_smv -tpl template.txt ${fn#.il}.smv
+ "
+ nuXmv -dynamic ${fn#.il}.smv > ${fn#.il}.out
+grep '^-- invariant .* is false' *.out || echo 'All OK.'