--- /dev/null
+from migScope import trigger, recorder, migIo
+import sys
+from spi2Csr.tools.uart2Spi import *
+# P A R A M E T E R S
+# Bus Width
+trig_width = 16
+dat_width = 16
+# Record Size
+record_size = 1024
+csr = Uart2Spi(1,115200)
+# Csr Addr
+MIIO_ADDR = 0x0000
+# Miscope Configuration
+# miIo
+miIo0 = miIo.MiIo(MIIO_ADDR, 8, "IO", csr)
+def led_anim0():
+ for i in range(10):
+ miIo0.write(0xA5)
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ miIo0.write(0x5A)
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+def led_anim1():
+ #Led <<
+ for j in range(4):
+ ledData = 1
+ for i in range(8):
+ miIo0.write(ledData)
+ time.sleep(i*i*0.0020)
+ ledData = (ledData<<1)
+ #Led >>
+ ledData = 128
+ for i in range(8):
+ miIo0.write(ledData)
+ time.sleep(i*i*0.0020)
+ ledData = (ledData>>1)
+# T E S T M I G I O
+print("- Small Led Animation...")
+print("- Read Switch: ",end=' ')
--- /dev/null
+from miscope import trigger, recorder, miIo, miLa
+from miscope.tools.truthtable import *
+from miscope.tools.vcd import *
+import sys
+from spi2Csr.tools.uart2Spi import *
+# P A R A M E T E R S
+# Bus Width
+trig_width = 16
+dat_width = 16
+# Record Size
+record_size = 4096
+# Csr Addr
+MIIO_ADDR = 0x0000
+MILA_ADDR = 0x0200
+csr = Uart2Spi(1, 115200, debug=False)
+# MiScope Configuration
+# miIo0
+miIo0 = miIo.MigIo(MIIO_ADDR, 8, "IO",csr)
+# miLa0
+term0 = trigger.Term(trig_width)
+trigger0 = trigger.Trigger(trig_width, [term0])
+recorder0 = recorder.Recorder(dat_width, record_size)
+miLa0 = miLa.MiLa(MILA_ADDR, trigger0, recorder0, csr)
+# T E S T M I G L A
+dat_vcd = []
+def capture(size):
+ global trigger0
+ global recorder0
+ global dat_vcd
+ sum_tt = gen_truth_table("term0")
+ miLa0.trig.sum.write(sum_tt)
+ miLa0.rec.reset()
+ miLa0.rec.offset(0)
+ miLa0.rec.arm()
+ print("-Recorder [Armed]")
+ print("-Waiting Trigger...", end = ' ')
+ while(not miLa0.rec.is_done()):
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ print("[Done]")
+ print("-Receiving Data...", end = ' ')
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ dat_vcd += miLa0.rec.read(size)
+ print("[Done]")
+print("Capturing Ramp..")
+csr.write(0x0000, 0)
+print("Capturing Square..")
+csr.write(0x0000, 1)
+print("Capturing Sinus..")
+csr.write(0x0000, 2)
+myvcd = Vcd()
+myvcd.add(Var("wire", 16, "trig_dat", dat_vcd))
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+from miscope import trigger, recorder, miIo, miLa
+from miscope.tools.truthtable import *
+from miscope.tools.vcd import *
+import sys
+from spi2Csr.tools.uart2Spi import *
+# P A R A M E T E R S
+# Bus Width
+trig_width = 32
+dat_width = 32
+# Record Size
+record_size = 4096
+# Csr Addr
+MIIO0_ADDR = 0x0000
+MILA1_ADDR = 0x0600
+csr = Uart2Spi(1, 115200, debug=False)
+# MiScope Configuration
+# miIo0
+miIo0 = miIo.MigIo(MIIO0_ADDR, 8, "IO",csr)
+# miLa1
+term1 = trigger.Term(trig_width)
+trigger1 = trigger.Trigger(trig_width, [term1])
+recorder1 = recorder.Recorder(dat_width, record_size)
+miLa1 = miLa.MiLa(MILA1_ADDR, trigger1, recorder1, csr)
+# T E S T M I G L A
+dat_vcd = []
+sum_tt = gen_truth_table("term1")
+print("-Recorder [Armed]")
+print("-Waiting Trigger...", end = ' ')
+while(not miLa1.rec.is_done()):
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+print("-Receiving Data...", end = ' ')
+dat_vcd += miLa1.rec.read(1024)
+myvcd = Vcd()
+myvcd.add(Var("wire", 8, "csr_dat_w", get_bits(dat_vcd, 32, 0, 8)))
+myvcd.add(Var("wire", 16, "csr_adr", get_bits(dat_vcd, 32, 8, 24)))
+myvcd.add(Var("wire", 1, "csr_we", get_bits(dat_vcd, 32, 24)))
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-from migen.fhdl.structure import *
-from migen.fhdl import verilog, autofragment
-from migen.bus import csr
-from migen.bus.transactions import *
-from migen.bank import description, csrgen
-from migen.bank.description import *
-import sys
-from migScope import trigger, recorder, migIo
-import spi2Csr
-from spi2Csr.tools.uart2Spi import *
-# P A R A M E T E R S
-# Bus Width
-trig_width = 16
-dat_width = 16
-# Record Size
-record_size = 1024
-csr = Uart2Spi(1,115200)
-# Csr Addr
-MIGIO_ADDR = 0x0000
-# MigScope Configuration
-# migIo
-migIo0 = migIo.MigIo(MIGIO_ADDR, 8, "IO", csr)
-def led_anim0():
- for i in range(10):
- migIo0.write(0xA5)
- time.sleep(0.1)
- migIo0.write(0x5A)
- time.sleep(0.1)
-def led_anim1():
- #Led <<
- for j in range(4):
- ledData = 1
- for i in range(8):
- migIo0.write(ledData)
- time.sleep(i*i*0.0020)
- ledData = (ledData<<1)
- #Led >>
- ledData = 128
- for i in range(8):
- migIo0.write(ledData)
- time.sleep(i*i*0.0020)
- ledData = (ledData>>1)
-# T E S T M I G I O
-print("- Small Led Animation...")
-print("- Read Switch: ",end=' ')
+++ /dev/null
-from migen.fhdl.structure import *
-from migen.fhdl import verilog, autofragment
-from migen.bus import csr
-from migen.bus.transactions import *
-from migen.bank import description, csrgen
-from migen.bank.description import *
-import sys
-from migScope import trigger, recorder, migIo, migLa
-from migScope.tools.truthtable import *
-from migScope.tools.vcd import *
-import spi2Csr
-from spi2Csr.tools.uart2Spi import *
-# P A R A M E T E R S
-# Bus Width
-trig_width = 16
-dat_width = 16
-# Record Size
-record_size = 4096
-# Csr Addr
-MIGIO_ADDR = 0x0000
-MIGLA_ADDR = 0x0200
-csr = Uart2Spi(1,115200,debug=False)
-# MigScope Configuration
-# migIo0
-migIo0 = migIo.MigIo(MIGIO_ADDR, 8, "IO",csr)
-# migIla0
-term0 = trigger.Term(trig_width)
-trigger0 = trigger.Trigger(trig_width, [term0])
-recorder0 = recorder.Recorder(dat_width, record_size)
-migLa0 = migLa.MigLa(MIGLA_ADDR, trigger0, recorder0, csr)
-# T E S T M I G L A
-dat_vcd = []
-def capture(size):
- global trigger0
- global recorder0
- global dat_vcd
- sum_tt = gen_truth_table("term0")
- migLa0.trig.sum.write(sum_tt)
- migLa0.rec.reset()
- migLa0.rec.offset(0)
- migLa0.rec.arm()
- print("-Recorder [Armed]")
- print("-Waiting Trigger...", end = ' ')
- while(not migLa0.rec.is_done()):
- time.sleep(0.1)
- print("[Done]")
- print("-Receiving Data...", end = ' ')
- sys.stdout.flush()
- dat_vcd += migLa0.rec.read(size)
- print("[Done]")
-print("Capturing Ramp..")
-csr.write(0x0000, 0)
-print("Capturing Square..")
-csr.write(0x0000, 1)
-print("Capturing Sinus..")
-csr.write(0x0000, 2)
-myvcd = Vcd()
-myvcd.add(Var("wire", 16, "trig_dat", dat_vcd))
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-from migen.fhdl.structure import *
-from migen.fhdl import verilog, autofragment
-from migen.bus import csr
-from migen.bus.transactions import *
-from migen.bank import description, csrgen
-from migen.bank.description import *
-import sys
-from migScope import trigger, recorder, migIo, migLa
-from migScope.tools.truthtable import *
-from migScope.tools.vcd import *
-import spi2Csr
-from spi2Csr.tools.uart2Spi import *
-# P A R A M E T E R S
-# Bus Width
-trig_width = 32
-dat_width = 32
-# Record Size
-record_size = 4096
-# Csr Addr
-MIGIO0_ADDR = 0x0000
-MIGLA1_ADDR = 0x0600
-csr = Uart2Spi(1,115200,debug=False)
-# MigScope Configuration
-# migIo0
-migIo0 = migIo.MigIo(MIGIO0_ADDR, 8, "IO",csr)
-# migIla1
-term1 = trigger.Term(trig_width)
-trigger1 = trigger.Trigger(trig_width, [term1])
-recorder1 = recorder.Recorder(dat_width, record_size)
-migLa1 = migLa.MigLa(MIGLA1_ADDR, trigger1, recorder1, csr)
-# T E S T M I G L A
-dat_vcd = []
-sum_tt = gen_truth_table("term1")
-print("-Recorder [Armed]")
-print("-Waiting Trigger...", end = ' ')
-while(not migLa1.rec.is_done()):
- time.sleep(0.1)
-print("-Receiving Data...", end = ' ')
-dat_vcd += migLa1.rec.read(1024)
-myvcd = Vcd()
-myvcd.add(Var("wire", 8, "csr_dat_w", get_bits(dat_vcd, 32, 0, 8)))
-myvcd.add(Var("wire", 16, "csr_adr", get_bits(dat_vcd, 32, 8, 24)))
-myvcd.add(Var("wire", 1, "csr_we", get_bits(dat_vcd, 32, 24)))
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+from migScope import trigger, recorder, migIo
+import sys
+from spi2Csr.tools.uart2Spi import *
+# P A R A M E T E R S
+# Bus Width
+trig_width = 16
+dat_width = 16
+# Record Size
+record_size = 1024
+csr = Uart2Spi(1,115200)
+# Csr Addr
+MIIO_ADDR = 0x0000
+# Miscope Configuration
+# miIo
+miIo0 = miIo.MiIo(MIIO_ADDR, 8, "IO", csr)
+def led_anim0():
+ for i in range(10):
+ miIo0.write(0xA5)
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ miIo0.write(0x5A)
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+def led_anim1():
+ #Led <<
+ for j in range(4):
+ ledData = 1
+ for i in range(8):
+ miIo0.write(ledData)
+ time.sleep(i*i*0.0020)
+ ledData = (ledData<<1)
+ #Led >>
+ ledData = 128
+ for i in range(8):
+ miIo0.write(ledData)
+ time.sleep(i*i*0.0020)
+ ledData = (ledData>>1)
+# T E S T M I G I O
+print("- Small Led Animation...")
+print("- Read Switch: ",end=' ')
--- /dev/null
+from miscope import trigger, recorder, miIo, miLa
+from miscope.tools.truthtable import *
+from miscope.tools.vcd import *
+import sys
+from spi2Csr.tools.uart2Spi import *
+# P A R A M E T E R S
+# Bus Width
+trig_width = 16
+dat_width = 16
+# Record Size
+record_size = 4096
+# Csr Addr
+MIIO_ADDR = 0x0000
+MILA_ADDR = 0x0200
+csr = Uart2Spi(1, 115200, debug=False)
+# MiScope Configuration
+# miIo0
+miIo0 = miIo.MigIo(MIIO_ADDR, 8, "IO",csr)
+# miLa0
+term0 = trigger.Term(trig_width)
+trigger0 = trigger.Trigger(trig_width, [term0])
+recorder0 = recorder.Recorder(dat_width, record_size)
+miLa0 = miLa.MiLa(MILA_ADDR, trigger0, recorder0, csr)
+# T E S T M I G L A
+dat_vcd = []
+def capture(size):
+ global trigger0
+ global recorder0
+ global dat_vcd
+ sum_tt = gen_truth_table("term0")
+ miLa0.trig.sum.write(sum_tt)
+ miLa0.rec.reset()
+ miLa0.rec.offset(0)
+ miLa0.rec.arm()
+ print("-Recorder [Armed]")
+ print("-Waiting Trigger...", end = ' ')
+ while(not miLa0.rec.is_done()):
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ print("[Done]")
+ print("-Receiving Data...", end = ' ')
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ dat_vcd += miLa0.rec.read(size)
+ print("[Done]")
+print("Capturing Ramp..")
+csr.write(0x0000, 0)
+print("Capturing Square..")
+csr.write(0x0000, 1)
+print("Capturing Sinus..")
+csr.write(0x0000, 2)
+myvcd = Vcd()
+myvcd.add(Var("wire", 16, "trig_dat", dat_vcd))
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+from miscope import trigger, recorder, miIo, miLa
+from miscope.tools.truthtable import *
+from miscope.tools.vcd import *
+import sys
+from spi2Csr.tools.uart2Spi import *
+# P A R A M E T E R S
+# Bus Width
+trig_width = 32
+dat_width = 32
+# Record Size
+record_size = 4096
+# Csr Addr
+MIIO0_ADDR = 0x0000
+MILA1_ADDR = 0x0600
+csr = Uart2Spi(1, 115200, debug=False)
+# MiScope Configuration
+# miIo0
+miIo0 = miIo.MigIo(MIIO0_ADDR, 8, "IO",csr)
+# miLa1
+term1 = trigger.Term(trig_width)
+trigger1 = trigger.Trigger(trig_width, [term1])
+recorder1 = recorder.Recorder(dat_width, record_size)
+miLa1 = miLa.MiLa(MILA1_ADDR, trigger1, recorder1, csr)
+# T E S T M I G L A
+dat_vcd = []
+sum_tt = gen_truth_table("term1")
+print("-Recorder [Armed]")
+print("-Waiting Trigger...", end = ' ')
+while(not miLa1.rec.is_done()):
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+print("-Receiving Data...", end = ' ')
+dat_vcd += miLa1.rec.read(1024)
+myvcd = Vcd()
+myvcd.add(Var("wire", 8, "csr_dat_w", get_bits(dat_vcd, 32, 0, 8)))
+myvcd.add(Var("wire", 16, "csr_adr", get_bits(dat_vcd, 32, 8, 24)))
+myvcd.add(Var("wire", 1, "csr_we", get_bits(dat_vcd, 32, 24)))
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-from migen.fhdl.structure import *
-from migen.fhdl import verilog, autofragment
-from migen.bus import csr
-from migen.bus.transactions import *
-from migen.bank import description, csrgen
-from migen.bank.description import *
-import sys
-from migScope import trigger, recorder, migIo
-import spi2Csr
-from spi2Csr.tools.uart2Spi import *
-# P A R A M E T E R S
-# Bus Width
-trig_width = 16
-dat_width = 16
-# Record Size
-record_size = 1024
-csr = Uart2Spi(1,115200)
-# Csr Addr
-MIGIO_ADDR = 0x0000
-# MigScope Configuration
-# migIo
-migIo0 = migIo.MigIo(MIGIO_ADDR, 8, "IO", csr)
-def led_anim0():
- for i in range(10):
- migIo0.write(0xA5)
- time.sleep(0.1)
- migIo0.write(0x5A)
- time.sleep(0.1)
-def led_anim1():
- #Led <<
- for j in range(4):
- ledData = 1
- for i in range(8):
- migIo0.write(ledData)
- time.sleep(i*i*0.0020)
- ledData = (ledData<<1)
- #Led >>
- ledData = 128
- for i in range(8):
- migIo0.write(ledData)
- time.sleep(i*i*0.0020)
- ledData = (ledData>>1)
-# T E S T M I G I O
-print("- Small Led Animation...")
-print("- Read Switch: ",end=' ')
+++ /dev/null
-from migen.fhdl.structure import *
-from migen.fhdl import verilog, autofragment
-from migen.bus import csr
-from migen.bus.transactions import *
-from migen.bank import description, csrgen
-from migen.bank.description import *
-import sys
-from migScope import trigger, recorder, migIo, migLa
-from migScope.tools.truthtable import *
-from migScope.tools.vcd import *
-import spi2Csr
-from spi2Csr.tools.uart2Spi import *
-# P A R A M E T E R S
-# Bus Width
-trig_width = 16
-dat_width = 16
-# Record Size
-record_size = 4096
-# Csr Addr
-MIGIO_ADDR = 0x0000
-MIGLA_ADDR = 0x0200
-csr = Uart2Spi(1,115200,debug=False)
-# MigScope Configuration
-# migIo0
-migIo0 = migIo.MigIo(MIGIO_ADDR, 8, "IO",csr)
-# migIla0
-term0 = trigger.Term(trig_width)
-trigger0 = trigger.Trigger(trig_width, [term0])
-recorder0 = recorder.Recorder(dat_width, record_size)
-migLa0 = migLa.MigLa(MIGLA_ADDR, trigger0, recorder0, csr)
-# T E S T M I G L A
-dat_vcd = []
-def capture(size):
- global trigger0
- global recorder0
- global dat_vcd
- sum_tt = gen_truth_table("term0")
- migLa0.trig.sum.write(sum_tt)
- migLa0.rec.reset()
- migLa0.rec.offset(0)
- migLa0.rec.arm()
- print("-Recorder [Armed]")
- print("-Waiting Trigger...", end = ' ')
- while(not migLa0.rec.is_done()):
- time.sleep(0.1)
- print("[Done]")
- print("-Receiving Data...", end = ' ')
- sys.stdout.flush()
- dat_vcd += migLa0.rec.read(size)
- print("[Done]")
-print("Capturing Ramp..")
-csr.write(0x0000, 0)
-print("Capturing Square..")
-csr.write(0x0000, 1)
-print("Capturing Sinus..")
-csr.write(0x0000, 2)
-myvcd = Vcd()
-myvcd.add(Var("wire", 16, "trig_dat", dat_vcd))
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-from migen.fhdl.structure import *
-from migen.fhdl import verilog, autofragment
-from migen.bus import csr
-from migen.bus.transactions import *
-from migen.bank import description, csrgen
-from migen.bank.description import *
-import sys
-from migScope import trigger, recorder, migIo, migLa
-from migScope.tools.truthtable import *
-from migScope.tools.vcd import *
-import spi2Csr
-from spi2Csr.tools.uart2Spi import *
-# P A R A M E T E R S
-# Bus Width
-trig_width = 32
-dat_width = 32
-# Record Size
-record_size = 4096
-# Csr Addr
-MIGIO0_ADDR = 0x0000
-MIGLA1_ADDR = 0x0600
-csr = Uart2Spi(1,115200,debug=False)
-# MigScope Configuration
-# migIo0
-migIo0 = migIo.MigIo(MIGIO0_ADDR, 8, "IO",csr)
-# migIla1
-term1 = trigger.Term(trig_width)
-trigger1 = trigger.Trigger(trig_width, [term1])
-recorder1 = recorder.Recorder(dat_width, record_size)
-migLa1 = migLa.MigLa(MIGLA1_ADDR, trigger1, recorder1, csr)
-# T E S T M I G L A
-dat_vcd = []
-sum_tt = gen_truth_table("term1")
-print("-Recorder [Armed]")
-print("-Waiting Trigger...", end = ' ')
-while(not migLa1.rec.is_done()):
- time.sleep(0.1)
-print("-Receiving Data...", end = ' ')
-dat_vcd += migLa1.rec.read(1024)
-myvcd = Vcd()
-myvcd.add(Var("wire", 8, "csr_dat_w", get_bits(dat_vcd, 32, 0, 8)))
-myvcd.add(Var("wire", 16, "csr_adr", get_bits(dat_vcd, 32, 8, 24)))
-myvcd.add(Var("wire", 1, "csr_we", get_bits(dat_vcd, 32, 24)))
\ No newline at end of file