meta_resolve_restore(&state, cmd_buffer);
+ * Emit any needed resolves for the current subpass.
+ */
+anv_cmd_buffer_resolve_subpass(struct anv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer)
+ struct anv_framebuffer *fb = cmd_buffer->state.framebuffer;
+ struct anv_subpass *subpass = cmd_buffer->state.subpass;
+ struct anv_meta_saved_state saved_state;
+ /* FINISHME(perf): Skip clears for resolve attachments.
+ *
+ * From the Vulkan 1.0 spec:
+ *
+ * If the first use of an attachment in a render pass is as a resolve
+ * attachment, then the loadOp is effectively ignored as the resolve is
+ * guaranteed to overwrite all pixels in the render area.
+ */
+ if (!subpass->has_resolve)
+ return;
+ meta_resolve_save(&saved_state, cmd_buffer);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < subpass->color_count; ++i) {
+ uint32_t src_att = subpass->color_attachments[i];
+ uint32_t dest_att = subpass->resolve_attachments[i];
+ if (dest_att == VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED)
+ continue;
+ struct anv_image_view *src_iview = fb->attachments[src_att];
+ struct anv_image_view *dest_iview = fb->attachments[dest_att];
+ struct anv_subpass resolve_subpass = {
+ .color_count = 1,
+ .color_attachments = (uint32_t[]) { dest_att },
+ .depth_stencil_attachment = VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED,
+ };
+ anv_cmd_buffer_set_subpass(cmd_buffer, &resolve_subpass);
+ /* Subpass resolves must respect the render area. We can ignore the
+ * render area here because vkCmdBeginRenderPass set the render area
+ *
+ * XXX(chadv): Does the hardware really respect
+ */
+ emit_resolve(cmd_buffer,
+ src_iview,
+ &(VkOffset2D) { 0, 0 },
+ dest_iview,
+ &(VkOffset2D) { 0, 0 },
+ &(VkExtent2D) { fb->width, fb->height });
+ }
+ cmd_buffer->state.subpass = subpass;
+ meta_resolve_restore(&saved_state, cmd_buffer);
assert(cmd_buffer->level == VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_LEVEL_PRIMARY);
+ anv_cmd_buffer_resolve_subpass(cmd_buffer);
gen7_cmd_buffer_set_subpass(cmd_buffer, cmd_buffer->state.subpass + 1);
ANV_FROM_HANDLE(anv_cmd_buffer, cmd_buffer, commandBuffer);
+ anv_cmd_buffer_resolve_subpass(cmd_buffer);
/* Emit a flushing pipe control at the end of a pass. This is kind of a
* hack but it ensures that render targets always actually get written.
* Eventually, we should do flushing based on image format transitions
assert(cmd_buffer->level == VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_LEVEL_PRIMARY);
+ anv_cmd_buffer_resolve_subpass(cmd_buffer);
genX(cmd_buffer_set_subpass)(cmd_buffer, cmd_buffer->state.subpass + 1);
ANV_FROM_HANDLE(anv_cmd_buffer, cmd_buffer, commandBuffer);
+ anv_cmd_buffer_resolve_subpass(cmd_buffer);
/* Emit a flushing pipe control at the end of a pass. This is kind of a
* hack but it ensures that render targets always actually get written.
* Eventually, we should do flushing based on image format transitions