Transformation of 4-in, 2-out into a pair of operations:
* 3-in, 2-out `msubx RT, RA, RB, RC` producing {RT,RS} where RS=RT+VL
-* 3-in, 2-out `weirdsubx RT, RA, RB` a hidden RS=RT+VL as input *and output*
+* 3-in, 2-out `weirdsubx RT, RA, RB` a hidden RS=RT+VL as input, RA dual
<img src="/openpower/sv/weirdmuladd.jpg" width=800 />
+**msubx RT, RA, RB, RC** (RS=RT+VL for SVP64, RS=RT+1 for scalar)
+ prod[0:127] = (RA) * (RB)
+ sub[0:127] = EXTZ(RC) - prod
+ RT <- sub[64:127]
+ RS <- sub[0:63]
+**weirdaddx RT, RA, RB** (RS=RT+VL)
+ cat[0:127] = (RB) || (RS)
+ sum[0:127] = cat + EXTZ(RA) + [1]*128
+ rhi[0:63] = sum[0:63]
+ if (RA) <= 1 then rhi = rhi + ([0]*63 || 1)
+ RA = rhi
+ RT = sum[64:127]
+These two combine as, simply:
+ # RS=RT+VL, assume VL=8, therefore RS starts at r8.v
+ # q : r16
+ # dividend: r24.v
+ # divisor : r32.v
+ # carry : r40
+ li r40, 0
+ sv.msubx r0.v, r16, r24.v, r32.v
+ sv.weirdaddx r0.v, r40, r8.v