+ case nir_intrinsic_store_shared_indirect:
+ has_indirect = true;
+ /* fallthrough */
+ case nir_intrinsic_store_shared: {
+ assert(devinfo->gen >= 7);
+ /* Block index */
+ fs_reg surf_index = brw_imm_ud(GEN7_BTI_SLM);
+ /* Value */
+ fs_reg val_reg = get_nir_src(instr->src[0]);
+ /* Writemask */
+ unsigned writemask = instr->const_index[1];
+ /* Combine groups of consecutive enabled channels in one write
+ * message. We use ffs to find the first enabled channel and then ffs on
+ * the bit-inverse, down-shifted writemask to determine the length of
+ * the block of enabled bits.
+ */
+ while (writemask) {
+ unsigned first_component = ffs(writemask) - 1;
+ unsigned length = ffs(~(writemask >> first_component)) - 1;
+ fs_reg offset_reg;
+ if (!has_indirect) {
+ offset_reg = brw_imm_ud(instr->const_index[0] + 4 * first_component);
+ } else {
+ offset_reg = vgrf(glsl_type::uint_type);
+ bld.ADD(offset_reg,
+ retype(get_nir_src(instr->src[1]), BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD),
+ brw_imm_ud(4 * first_component));
+ }
+ emit_untyped_write(bld, surf_index, offset_reg,
+ offset(val_reg, bld, first_component),
+ 1 /* dims */, length,
+ /* Clear the bits in the writemask that we just wrote, then try
+ * again to see if more channels are left.
+ */
+ writemask &= (15 << (first_component + length));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
case nir_intrinsic_load_input_indirect:
unreachable("Not allowed");
/* fallthrough */