--- /dev/null
+-- { dg-do compile }
+-- { dg-options "-O" }
+package body Opt85 is
+ function Conversion_Of (Value : Integer) return Data_Type is
+ begin
+ return (Value => Interfaces.Integer_16 (Value));
+ end;
+ function Create (Value : Integer) return Record_Type is
+ Rec : constant Record_Type :=
+ (Ada.Finalization.Controlled with
+ Header => (others => False),
+ Data => Conversion_Of (Value));
+ begin
+ return Rec;
+ end;
+end Opt85;
--- /dev/null
+with Ada.Finalization;
+with Interfaces;
+with System;
+package Opt85 is
+ type Data_Type is record
+ Value : Interfaces.Integer_16;
+ end record;
+ for Data_Type use record
+ Value at 0 range 0 .. 15;
+ end record;
+ for Data_Type'Alignment use 1;
+ for Data_Type'Size use 2 * System.Storage_Unit;
+ for Data_Type'Bit_Order use System.High_Order_First;
+ for Data_Type'Scalar_Storage_Order use System.High_Order_First;
+ type Header_Type is array (1 .. 1) of Boolean;
+ type Record_Type is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record
+ Header : Header_Type;
+ Data : Data_Type;
+ end record;
+ function Create (Value : Integer) return Record_Type;
+end Opt85;
if (!lacc->first_child && !racc->first_child)
+ /* We are about to change the access type from aggregate to scalar,
+ so we need to put the reverse flag onto the access, if any. */
+ const bool reverse = TYPE_REVERSE_STORAGE_ORDER (lacc->type);
tree t = lacc->base;
lacc->type = racc->type;
lacc->expr = build_ref_for_model (EXPR_LOCATION (lacc->base),
lacc->base, lacc->offset,
racc, NULL, false);
+ if (TREE_CODE (lacc->expr) == MEM_REF)
+ REF_REVERSE_STORAGE_ORDER (lacc->expr) = reverse;
lacc->grp_no_warning = true;
lacc->grp_same_access_path = false;
+ lacc->reverse = reverse;
return ret;