from functools import wraps
from nmigen.sim import Settle
+from os import uname
+import openpower.syscalls
from openpower.consts import (MSRb, PIb, # big-endian (PowerISA versions)
from openpower.decoder.helpers import (ISACallerHelper, ISAFPHelpers, exts,
log(" new dststep", dststep)
+class SyscallEmulator(openpower.syscalls.Dispatcher):
+ def __init__(self, isacaller):
+ machine = uname().machine
+ host = {
+ "x86_64": "amd64",
+ }.get(machine, machine)
+ self.__isacaller = isacaller
+ return super().__init__(guest="ppc64", host=host)
+ def __call__(self, identifier, *arguments):
+ (identifier, *arguments) = map(int, (identifier, *arguments))
+ return super().__call__(identifier, *arguments)
class ISACaller(ISACallerHelper, ISAFPHelpers, StepLoop):
# decoder2 - an instance of power_decoder2
# regfile - a list of initial values for the registers
# trace log file for model output. if None do nothing
+ self.syscall = SyscallEmulator(isacaller=self)
self.insnlog = insnlog
self.insnlog_is_file = hasattr(insnlog, "write")
if not self.insnlog_is_file and self.insnlog:
log("call", ins_name, asmop,
+ if not self.is_svp64_mode and asmop in ("sc", "scv"):
+ identifier = self.gpr(0)
+ arguments = map(self.gpr, range(3, 9))
+ result = self.syscall(identifier, *arguments)
+ self.gpr.write(3, result, False, self.namespace["XLEN"])
+ self.update_pc_next()
+ return
# sv.setvl is *not* a loop-function. sigh
log("is_svp64_mode", self.is_svp64_mode, asmop)