* directory for licensing information.
* ****************************************************************************
- * Implementation for reconstruct.
+ * Implementation for Sygus reconstruct.
#include "theory/quantifiers/sygus/sygus_reconstruct.h"
+#include "expr/dtype_cons.h"
#include "expr/node_algorithm.h"
+#include "options/quantifiers_options.h"
#include "smt/command.h"
#include "theory/datatypes/sygus_datatype_utils.h"
#include "theory/rewriter.h"
- /** a set of builtin terms to reconstruct satisfied for each sygus datatype */
- TypeBuiltinSetMap termsToRecons;
// add the main obligation to the set of obligations
// paramaters stn and sol constitute the main obligation to satisfy
d_obs.push_back(std::make_unique<RConsObligation>(stn, sol));
- termsToRecons[stn].emplace(sol);
d_stnInfo[stn].setBuiltinToOb(sol, d_obs[0].get());
RConsObligation* ob0 = d_obs[0].get();
Node k0 = ob0->getSkolem();
+ if (options().quantifiers.cegqiSingleInvReconstruct
+ == cvc5::options::CegqiSingleInvRconsMode::TRY)
+ {
+ fast(sol, stn, reconstructed);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ main(sol, stn, reconstructed, enumLimit);
+ }
+ if (Trace("sygus-rcons").isConnected())
+ {
+ RConsObligation::printCandSols(ob0, d_obs);
+ printPool();
+ }
+ // if the main obligation is solved, return the solution
+ if (!d_sol[k0].isNull())
+ {
+ reconstructed = 1;
+ // The algorithm mostly works with rewritten terms and may not notice that
+ // the original terms contain variables eliminated by the rewriter. For
+ // example, rewrite((ite true 0 z)) = 0. In such cases, we replace those
+ // variables with ground values.
+ return d_sol[k0].isConst() ? Node(d_sol[k0]) : mkGround(d_sol[k0]);
+ }
+ // we ran out of elements, return null
+ reconstructed = -1;
+ warning() << CommandFailure(
+ "Cannot get synth function: reconstruction to syntax failed.");
+ return Node::null();
+void SygusReconstruct::main(Node sol,
+ TypeNode stn,
+ int8_t& reconstructed,
+ uint64_t enumLimit)
+ bool noLimit = options().quantifiers.cegqiSingleInvReconstruct
+ == cvc5::options::CegqiSingleInvRconsMode::ALL;
+ // Skolem of the main obligation
+ Node k0 = d_obs[0]->getSkolem();
+ // a set of builtin terms to reconstruct for each sygus datatype
+ TypeBuiltinSetMap termsToRecons;
+ termsToRecons[stn].emplace(sol);
+ uint64_t count = 0;
// We need to add the main obligation to the crd in case it cannot be broken
// down by matching. By doing so, we can solve the obligation using
// enumeration and crd (if it is in the grammar)
- // the set of unique (up to rewriting) patterns/shapes in the grammar used by
- // matching
- std::unordered_map<TypeNode, std::vector<Node>> pool;
- uint64_t count = 0;
- // algorithm
- while (d_sol[k0].isNull() && count < enumLimit)
+ // procedure
+ while (d_sol[k0].isNull() && (noLimit || count < enumLimit))
// enumeration phase
// a temporary set of new terms to reconstruct cached for processing in the
// then, this is a new term and we should add it to pool
- pool[pair.first].push_back(sz);
+ d_pool[pair.first].push_back(sz);
for (const Node& t : pair.second)
RConsObligation* ob = d_stnInfo[pair.first].builtinToOb(t);
while (!termsToReconsPrime.empty())
// a temporary set of new terms to reconstruct cached for later processing
- TypeBuiltinSetMap obsDPrime;
+ TypeBuiltinSetMap termsToReconsDPrime;
for (const std::pair<const TypeNode, BuiltinSet>& pair :
if (d_sol[ob->getSkolem()].isNull())
Trace("sygus-rcons") << "ob: " << *ob << std::endl;
- for (const Node& sz : pool[pair.first])
+ for (const Node& sz : d_pool[pair.first])
// try to match each newly generated and cached term with patterns
// in pool
// cache the new terms for later processing
for (const std::pair<const TypeNode, BuiltinSet>& tempPair : temp)
- obsDPrime[tempPair.first].insert(tempPair.second.cbegin(),
- tempPair.second.cend());
+ termsToReconsDPrime[tempPair.first].insert(
+ tempPair.second.cbegin(), tempPair.second.cend());
- termsToReconsPrime = std::move(obsDPrime);
+ termsToReconsPrime = std::move(termsToReconsDPrime);
// remove reconstructed terms from termsToRecons
- if (Trace("sygus-rcons").isConnected())
+void SygusReconstruct::fast(Node sol, TypeNode stn, int8_t& reconstructed)
+ NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
+ Assert(stn.isDatatype());
+ Assert(stn.getDType().isSygus());
+ SygusTypeInfo sti;
+ sti.initialize(d_tds, stn);
+ std::vector<TypeNode> stns;
+ sti.getSubfieldTypes(stns);
+ std::map<cvc5::TypeNode, int> varCount;
+ // add the constructors for each sygus datatype to the pool
+ for (const TypeNode& cstn : stns)
- RConsObligation::printCandSols(ob0, d_obs);
- printPool(pool);
+ for (const std::shared_ptr<DTypeConstructor>& cons :
+ cstn.getDType().getConstructors())
+ {
+ if (cons->getNumArgs() == 0)
+ {
+ // just like in the main procedure, add no-argument constructors
+ // directly to the crd
+ Node sz = nm->mkNode(Kind::APPLY_CONSTRUCTOR, cons->getConstructor());
+ Node builtin = datatypes::utils::sygusToBuiltin(sz);
+ Node rep = d_stnInfo[cstn].addTerm(builtin);
+ RConsObligation* ob = d_stnInfo[cstn].builtinToOb(rep);
+ // check if the enumerated term solves an obligation
+ if (ob == nullptr)
+ {
+ // if not, create an "artifical" obligation whose solution would be
+ // the enumerated term
+ d_obs.push_back(std::make_unique<RConsObligation>(cstn, builtin));
+ d_stnInfo[cstn].setBuiltinToOb(builtin, d_obs.back().get());
+ ob = d_obs.back().get();
+ }
+ // mark the obligation as solved
+ markSolved(ob, sz);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::vector<Node> args;
+ args.push_back(cons->getConstructor());
+ // populate each constructor argument with a free variable of the
+ // corresponding type
+ for (const std::shared_ptr<cvc5::DTypeSelector>& arg : cons->getArgs())
+ {
+ args.push_back(d_tds->getFreeVarInc(arg->getRangeType(), varCount));
+ }
+ Node sz = nm->mkNode(Kind::APPLY_CONSTRUCTOR, args);
+ d_pool[cstn].push_back(sz);
+ }
+ }
- // if the main obligation is solved, return the solution
- if (!d_sol[k0].isNull())
+ // a set of builtin terms to reconstruct for each sygus datatype
+ TypeBuiltinSetMap termsToRecons;
+ termsToRecons[stn].emplace(sol);
+ // match phase of the rcons procedure
+ while (!termsToRecons.empty())
- reconstructed = 1;
- // The algorithm mostly works with rewritten terms and may not notice that
- // the original terms contain variables eliminated by the rewriter. For
- // example, rewrite((ite true 0 z)) = 0. In such cases, we replace those
- // variables with ground values.
- return d_sol[k0].isConst() ? Node(d_sol[k0]) : mkGround(d_sol[k0]);
+ // a temporary set of new terms to reconstruct cached for later processing
+ TypeBuiltinSetMap termsToReconsPrime;
+ for (const std::pair<const TypeNode, BuiltinSet>& pair : termsToRecons)
+ {
+ for (const Node& t : pair.second)
+ {
+ RConsObligation* ob = d_stnInfo[pair.first].builtinToOb(t);
+ if (d_sol[ob->getSkolem()].isNull())
+ {
+ Trace("sygus-rcons") << "ob: " << *ob << std::endl;
+ for (const Node& sz : d_pool[pair.first])
+ {
+ // try to match each newly generated and cached term with patterns
+ // in pool
+ TypeBuiltinSetMap temp = matchNewObs(t, sz);
+ // cache the new terms for later processing
+ for (const std::pair<const TypeNode, BuiltinSet>& tempPair : temp)
+ {
+ termsToReconsPrime[tempPair.first].insert(
+ tempPair.second.cbegin(), tempPair.second.cend());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ termsToRecons = std::move(termsToReconsPrime);
- // we ran out of elements, return null
- reconstructed = -1;
- warning() << CommandFailure(
- "Cannot get synth function: reconstruction to syntax failed.");
- return Node::null();
TypeBuiltinSetMap SygusReconstruct::matchNewObs(Node t, Node sz)
+ d_pool.clear();
-void SygusReconstruct::printPool(
- const std::unordered_map<TypeNode, std::vector<Node>>& pool) const
+void SygusReconstruct::printPool() const
Trace("sygus-rcons") << std::endl << "Pool:" << std::endl << '{';
- for (const std::pair<const TypeNode, std::vector<Node>>& pair : pool)
+ for (const std::pair<const TypeNode, std::vector<Node>>& pair : d_pool)
Trace("sygus-rcons") << std::endl
<< " " << pair.first << ':' << std::endl
uint64_t enumLimit);
+ /**
+ * Implements the reconstruction procedure.
+ *
+ * @param sol the target term
+ * @param stn the sygus datatype type encoding the syntax restrictions
+ * @param reconstructed the flag to update, set to 1 if we successfully return
+ * a node, otherwise it is set to -1
+ * @param enumLimit a value to limit the effort spent by this class (roughly
+ * equal to the number of intermediate terms to try)
+ */
+ void main(Node sol, TypeNode stn, int8_t& reconstructed, uint64_t enumLimit);
+ /**
+ * Implements the match phase of the reconstruction procedure with the pool
+ * prepopulated with sygus datatype type constructors (grammar rules).
+ *
+ * @param sol the target term
+ * @param stn the sygus datatype type encoding the syntax restrictions
+ * @param reconstructed the flag to update, set to 1 if we successfully return
+ * a node, otherwise it is set to -1
+ */
+ void fast(Node sol, TypeNode stn, int8_t& reconstructed);
/** Match builtin term `t` with pattern `sz`.
* This function matches the builtin term to reconstruct `t` with the builtin
* Print the pool of patterns/shape used in the matching phase.
* \note requires enabling "sygus-rcons" trace
- *
- * @param pool a pool of patterns/shapes to print
- void printPool(
- const std::unordered_map<TypeNode, std::vector<Node>>& pool) const;
+ void printPool() const;
/** pointer to the sygus term database */
TermDbSygus* d_tds;
/** a cache of sygus variables treated as ground terms by matching */
std::unordered_map<Node, Node> d_sygusVars;
+ /** a set of unique (up to rewriting) patterns/shapes in the grammar used by
+ * matching */
+ std::unordered_map<TypeNode, std::vector<Node>> d_pool;
/** A trie for filtering out redundant terms from the paterns pool */
expr::MatchTrie d_poolTrie;