* How we’ll change the world. Ditto.
* Our market. This one’s new, and here we hit a double bind…
* Our Competition. Another new one.
-Don’t tell us you have no competition
+Don’t tell us you have no competition.
+Just tell us which of your adversaries concerns you the most, where they could hurt you, and how you will win.
* What you own.
This can be your IP (patents, trade secrets) or your exclusive access to Unobtainium suppliers… but we don’t place too much stock in any of that.
+The most important thing that you own is your team of gifted, energetic people, the alchemists who will magically transform easily obtained, common ingredients.
* The Money Pump. No change from the three-slide deck.
* The Overview. This is another Fortune Teller chart. Over a series of three-month increments, it de