- Assert(hasAddedCbqiLemma(qi));
+ // may not have added the CEX lemma, but the literal is created by
+ // the following call regardless. One rare case where this can happen
+ // is if both sygus-inst and CEGQI are being run in parallel, and
+ // a parent quantified formula is not handled by CEGQI, but a child
+ // is.
Node qicel = getCounterexampleLiteral(qi);
if (!dep.empty())
+ // This lemma states that if the child is active, then the parent must
+ // be asserted, in particular G => Q where G is the CEX literal for the
+ // child and Q is the parent.
Node dep_lemma = nm->mkNode(IMPLIES, ceLit, nm->mkNode(AND, dep));
<< "Counterexample dependency lemma : " << dep_lemma << std::endl;