+/* TODO: add configurable flash mapping, improve integration */
+void flashboot(void)
+ printf("Loading Image from flash...\n");
+ memcpy((void *)MAIN_RAM_BASE + 0x00000000, (void *)0x50400000, 0x400000);
+ printf("Loading rootfs.cpio from flash...\n");
+ memcpy((void *)MAIN_RAM_BASE + 0x02000000, (void *)0x50800000, 0x700000);
+ printf("Loading rv32.dtb from flash...\n");
+ memcpy((void *)MAIN_RAM_BASE + 0x03000000, (void *)0x50f00000, 0x001000);
+ printf("Loading emulator.bin from flash...\n");
+ memcpy((void *)EMULATOR_RAM_BASE + 0x00000000, (void *)0x50f80000, 0x004000);
+ boot(0, 0, 0, EMULATOR_RAM_BASE);
/* On systems with exernal SDRAM we copy out of the SPI flash into the SDRAM
/* When firmware is small enough, it can be interesting to run code from an
embedded blockram memory (faster and not impacted by memory controller