[Explaining this](http://bugs.libre-riscv.org/show_bug.cgi?id=178#c146)
to Jean-Paul was amusing and challenging. Much bashing of heads against
-walls and keyboards was involved.
+walls and keyboards was involved. The basic plan: rather than have
+coriolis2 perform an *entire* layout, in a flat and all-or-nothing fashion,
+we need a much more subtle fine-grained approach, where *sub-blocks* are
+laid-out, then *included* at a given level of hierarchy as "pre-done blocks".
+Save and repeat.
+This apparently had never been done before, and explaining it in words was
+extremely challenging. Through a massive hack (actively editing the underlying
+HDL files temporarily in between tasks) was the only way to illustrate it.
+However once the lightbulb went on, Jean-Paul was able to get coriolis2's
+c++ code into shape extremely rapidly, and this alone has opened up an
+*entire new avenue* of potential for coriolis2 to be used in industry
+for doing much larger ASICs. Which is precisely the kind of thing that
+our NLNet sponsors (and the EU, from the Horizon 2020 Grant) love. hooray.
+Now if only we could actually go to a conference and talk about it.
# POWER ISA decoder and Simulator