--- /dev/null
+# AND Immediate
+andi. RA,RS,UI
+ RA <- (RS) & ([0]*48 || UI)
+# OR Immediate
+ori RA,RS,UI
+ RA <- (RS) | ([0]*48 || UI)
+# AND Immediate Shifted
+andis. RA,RS,UI
+ RA <- (RS) & ([0]*32 || UI || [0]*16)
+# OR Immediate Shifted
+oris RA,RS,UI
+ RA <- (RS) | ([0]*32 || UI || [0]*16)
+# XOR Immediate Shifted
+xoris RA,RS,UI
+ RA <- (RS) ^ ([0]*32 || UI || [0]*16)
+# XOR Immediate
+xori RA,RS,UI
+ RA <- (RS) XOR ([0]*48 || UI)
+# AND
+and RA,RS,RB (Rc=0)
+and. RA,RS,RB (Rc=1)
+ RA <- (RS) & (RB)
+# OR
+or RA,RS,RB (Rc=0)
+or. RA,RS,RB (Rc=1)
+ RA <- (RS) | (RB)
+# XOR
+xor RA,RS,RB (Rc=0)
+xor. RA,RS,RB (Rc=1)
+ RA <- (RS) ^ (RB)
+nand RA,RS,RB (Rc=0)
+nand. RA,RS,RB (Rc=1)
+RA <- ¬((RS) & (RB))
+# NOR
+nor RA,RS,RB (Rc=0)
+nor. RA,RS,RB (Rc=1)
+ RA <- ¬((RS) | (RB))
+# Equivalent
+eqv RA,RS,RB (Rc=0)
+eqv. RA,RS,RB (Rc=1)
+ RA <- (RS) => (RB)
+# AND with Complement
+andc RA,RS,RB (Rc=0)
+andc. RA,RS,RB (Rc=1)
+ RA <- (RS) & ¬(RB)
+# OR with Complement
+orc RA,RS,RB (Rc=0)
+orc. RA,RS,RB (Rc=1)
+ RA <- (RS) | ¬(RB)
+# Extend Sign Byte
+extsb RA,RS (Rc=0)
+extsb. RA,RS (Rc=1)
+ s <- (RS)[56]
+ RA[56:63] <- (RS)[56:63]
+ RA[0:55] <- [s]*56
+# Extend Sign Halfword
+extsh RA,RS (Rc=0)
+extsh. RA,RS (Rc=1)
+ s <- (RS)[48]
+ RA[48:63] <- (RS)[48:63]
+ RA[0:47] <- [s]*48
+# Count Leading Zeros Word
+cntlzw RA,RS (Rc=0)
+cntlzw. RA,RS (Rc=1)
+ n <- 32
+ do while n < 64
+ if (RS)[n] = 1 then leave
+ n <- n + 1
+ RA <- n - 32
+# Count Trailing Zeros Word
+cnttzw RA,RS (Rc=0)
+cnttzw. RA,RS (Rc=1)
+ n <- 0
+ do while n < 32
+ if (RS)[63-n=] = 0b1 then leave
+ n <- n + 1
+ RA <- EXTZ64(n)
+# Compare Bytes
+cmpb RA,RS,RB
+ do n = 0 to 7
+ if RS[8*n:8* n+7] = (RB)[8*n:8*n+7] then
+ RA[8*n:8* n+7] <- [1]*8
+ else
+ RA[8*n:8* n+7] <- [0]*8
+# Population Count Bytes
+popcntb RA, RS
+ do i = 0 to 7
+ n <- 0
+ do j = 0 to 7
+ if (RS)[(i*8)+j] = 1 then
+ n <- n+1
+ RA[(i*8):(i*8)+7] <- n
+# Population Count Words
+popcntw RA, RS
+ do i = 0 to 1
+ n <- 0
+ do j = 0 to 31
+ if (RS)[(i*32)+j] = 1 then
+ n <- n+1
+ RA[(i*32):(i*32)+31] <- n
+# Parity Doubleword
+prtyd RA,RS
+ s <- 0
+ do i = 0 to 7
+ s <- s / (RS)[i%8+7]
+ RA <- [0] * 63 || s
+# Parity Word
+prtyw RA,RS
+ s <- 0
+ t <- 0
+ do i = 0 to 3
+ s <- s / (RS)i%8+7
+ do i = 4 to 7
+ t <- t / (RS)i%8+7
+ RA[0:31] <- [0]*31 || s
+ RA[32:63] <- [0]*31 || t
+# Extend Sign Word
+extsw RA,RS (Rc=0)
+extsw. RA,RS (Rc=1)
+ s <- (RS)[32]
+ RA[32:63] <- (RS)[32:63]
+ RA[0:31] <- [s]*32
+# Population Count Doubleword
+popcntd RA, RS
+ n <- 0
+ do i = 0 to 63
+ if (RS)[i] = 1 then
+ n <- n+1
+ RA <- n
+# Count Leading Zeros Doubleword
+cntlzd RA,RS (Rc=0)
+cntlzd. RA,RS (Rc=1)
+ n <- 0
+ do while n < 64
+ if (RS)[n] = 1 then leave
+ n <- n + 1
+ RA <- n
+# Count Trailing Zeros Doubleword
+cnttzd RA,RS (Rc=0)
+cnttzd. RA,RS (Rc=1)
+ n <- 0
+ do while n < 64
+ if (RS)[63-n] = 0b1 then leave
+ n <- n + 1
+ RA <- EXTZ64(n)
+# Bit Permute Doubleword
+bpermd RA,RS,RB]
+ For i = 0 to 7
+ index <- (RS)[8*i:8*i+7]
+ If index < 64
+ then permi <- (RB)[index]
+ else permi <- 0
+ RA <- [0]*56|| perm[0:7]