+\frame{\frametitle{Interesting Missing Stuff [1] - Pinmux}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Pinmux: multiplexer of functions onto pins\\
+ {\it DRAM Cell != DDR3/4, Mux Cell != Muxer}
+ \item Strategically extremely important to Commercial SoC success\\
+ STMicro, Rockchip, Freescale, Samsung, {\bf EVERYONE}
+ \item Bizarrely, a libre-licensed multi-way Pinmux doesn't exist.\\
+ {\it not on anyone's radar. at all.}
+ SiFive IOF not enough.
+ \item Verification (scenario analysis) and auto-generation of
+ TRM, header files, device-tree files, pretty much everything
+ makes sense (to any "lazy" Software Engineer...)
+ \item Corporations with their own pinmux unlikely to be interested.
+ \item http://git.libre-riscv.org/?p=pinmux.git \\
+ http://hands.com/~lkcl/pinmux\_chennai\_2018.pdf
+ \end{itemize}