def format_asciidoc_table(root, get_label_func, filter_func=lambda x: True,
- enable_choice=False, sorted=True, sub_menu=True,
+ format_func=lambda x: x,
+ enable_choice=False, sorted=True,
""" Return the asciidoc formatted table of the items and their location.
:param root: Root item of the item subset
:param get_label_func: Item's label getter function
:param filter_func: Filter function to apply on the item subset
+ :param format_func: Function to format a symbol and the table header
:param enable_choice: Enable choices to appear as part of the item's
:param sorted: Flag to alphabetically sort the table
- :param sub_menu: Output the column with the sub-menu path
- def _format_entry(item, parents, sub_menu):
- """ Format an asciidoc table entry.
- """
- if sub_menu:
- return "| {0:<40} <| {1}\n".format(item, " -> ".join(parents))
- else:
- return "| {0:<40}\n".format(item)
lines = []
for item in get_symbol_subset(root, filter_func):
- loc = get_symbol_parents(item, root, enable_choice=enable_choice)
- lines.append(_format_entry(get_label_func(item), loc, sub_menu))
+ lines.append(format_func(what="symbol", symbol=item, root=root,
+ get_label_func=get_label_func,
+ enable_choice=enable_choice))
if sorted:
lines.sort(key=lambda x: x.lower())
- if hasattr(root, "get_title"):
- loc_label = get_symbol_parents(root, None, enable_choice=enable_choice)
- loc_label += [root.get_title(), "..."]
- else:
- loc_label = ["Location"]
- if not item_label:
- item_label = "Items"
table = ":halign: center\n\n"
- if sub_menu:
- width = "100%"
- columns = "^1,4"
- else:
- width = "30%"
- columns = "^1"
+ width, columns = format_func(what="layout")
table = "[width=\"{0}\",cols=\"{1}\",options=\"header\"]\n".format(width, columns)
table += "|===================================================\n"
- table += _format_entry(item_label, loc_label, sub_menu)
+ table += format_func(what="header", header=item_label, root=root)
table += "\n" + "".join(lines) + "\n"
table += "|===================================================\n"
return table
'filename': "package-list",
'root_menu': "Target packages",
'filter': "_is_real_package",
+ 'format': "_format_symbol_prompt_location",
'sorted': True,
- 'sub_menu': True,
'host-packages': {
'filename': "host-package-list",
'root_menu': "Host utilities",
'filter': "_is_real_package",
+ 'format': "_format_symbol_prompt",
'sorted': True,
- 'sub_menu': False,
'deprecated': {
'filename': "deprecated-list",
'root_menu': None,
'filter': "_is_deprecated",
+ 'format': "_format_symbol_prompt_location",
'sorted': False,
- 'sub_menu': True,
label += " *(deprecated)*"
return label
+ def _format_symbol_prompt(self, what=None, symbol=None, root=None,
+ enable_choice=False, header=None,
+ get_label_func=lambda x: x):
+ if what == "layout":
+ return ( "30%", "^1" )
+ if what == "header":
+ return "| {0:<40}\n".format(header)
+ if what == "symbol":
+ return "| {0:<40}\n".format(get_label_func(symbol))
+ message = "Invalid argument 'what': '%s'\n" % str(what)
+ message += "Allowed values are: 'layout', 'header' and 'symbol'"
+ raise Exception(message)
+ def _format_symbol_prompt_location(self, what=None, symbol=None, root=None,
+ enable_choice=False, header=None,
+ get_label_func=lambda x: x):
+ if what == "layout":
+ return ( "100%", "^1,4" )
+ if what == "header":
+ if hasattr(root, "get_title"):
+ loc_label = get_symbol_parents(root, None, enable_choice=enable_choice)
+ loc_label += [root.get_title(), "..."]
+ else:
+ loc_label = ["Location"]
+ return "| {0:<40} <| {1}\n".format(header, " -> ".join(loc_label))
+ if what == "symbol":
+ parents = get_symbol_parents(symbol, root, enable_choice)
+ return "| {0:<40} <| {1}\n".format(get_label_func(symbol),
+ " -> ".join(parents))
+ message = "Invalid argument 'what': '%s'\n" % str(what)
+ message += "Allowed values are: 'layout', 'header' and 'symbol'"
+ raise Exception(message)
def print_list(self, list_type, enable_choice=True, enable_deprecated=True,
dry_run=False, output=None):
""" Print the requested list. If not dry run, then the list is
root_item = self.config
filter_ = getattr(self, list_config.get('filter'))
filter_func = lambda x: filter_(x)
+ format_func = getattr(self, list_config.get('format'))
if not enable_deprecated and list_type != "deprecated":
filter_func = lambda x: filter_(x) and not self._is_deprecated(x)
mark_depr = list_type != "deprecated"
table = format_asciidoc_table(root_item, get_label,
+ format_func=format_func,
- sub_menu=list_config.get('sub_menu'),
content = self.list_in.format(table=table)