| opcode | Description | Major 63 | Major 59 |
| ------ | ---------------- | ---------------- | ----------- |
-| FATAN2 | atan2 arc tangent | 00001 | 00001 |
-| FATAN2PI | atan2 arc tangent / pi | 01001 | 00111 |
-| FPOW | x power of y | 10000 | 10000 |
-| FPOWN | x power of n (n int) | 10001 | 10001 |
-| FPOWR | x power of y (x +ve) | 10011 | 10011 |
-| FROOTN | x power 1/n (n integer)| 11011 | 11011 |
-| FHYPOT | hypotenuse | 10111 | 01101 |
+| fatan2(s) | atan2 arc tangent | 00001 | 00001 |
+| fatan2pi(s)|atan2 arc tangent / pi | 01001 | 00111 |
+| fpow(s) | x power of y | 10000 | 10000 |
+| fpown(s) | x power of n (n int) | 10001 | 10001 |
+| fpowr(s) | x power of y (x +ve) | 10011 | 10011 |
+| frootn(s) | x power 1/n (n integer)| 11011 | 11011 |
+| fhypot(s) | hypotenuse | 10111 | 01101 |
# DRAFT List of 1-arg transcendental opcodes
-These are X-Form, and are identical in Special Register Altered to `fsqrt`
+These are X-Form, and are identical in Special Registers Altered to `fsqrt`.
+Recommended Major Opcode 63 for full-width and 59 for half-width (ending in s).
Special Registers Altered:
| opcode | Description | Major 59 and 63 |
| ------ | ---------------- | ---------------- |
-| FRSQRT | Reciprocal Square-root | 11110 01110 |
-| FCBRT | Cube Root | 11111 01110 |
-| FRECIP | Reciprocal | 11110 01111 |
-| FEXP2 | power-of-2 | 00011 01110 |
-| FLOG2 | log2 | 00011 01111 |
-| FEXPM1 | exponential minus 1 | 00101 01110 |
-| FLOG1P | log plus 1 | 00110 01110 |
-| FEXP | exponential | 00111 01110 |
-| FLOG | natural log (base e) | 00111 01111 |
-| FEXP10 | power-of-10 | 11011 01110 |
-| FLOG10 | log base 10 | 11011 01111 |
+| frsqrt(s)| Reciprocal Square-root | 11110 01110 |
+| fcbrt(s) | Cube Root | 11111 01110 |
+| frecip(s)| Reciprocal | 11110 01111 |
+| fexp2(s) | power-of-2 | 00011 01110 |
+| flog2(s) | log2 | 00011 01111 |
+| fexpm1(s)| exponential minus 1 | 00101 01110 |
+| flog1p(s)| log plus 1 | 00110 01110 |
+| fexp(s) | exponential | 00111 01110 |
+| flog(s) | natural log (base e) | 00111 01111 |
+| fexp10(s)| power-of-10 | 11011 01110 |
+| flog10(s)| log base 10 | 11011 01111 |
# DRAFT List of 1-arg trigonometric opcodes
-These are X-Form, and are identical in Special Register Altered to `fsqrt`
+These are X-Form, and are identical in Special Registers Altered to `fsqrt`.
+Recommended Major Opcode 63 for full-width and 59 for half-width (ending in s).
Special Registers Altered:
| opcode | Description | Major 59 and 63 |
| ------ | ---------------- | ---------------- |
-| FSIN | sin (radians) | 01000 01110 |
-| FCOS | cos (radians) | 01001 01110 |
-| FTAN | tan (radians) | 01011 01110 |
-| FASIN | arcsin (radians) | 01100 01110 |
-| FACOS | arccos (radians) | 01101 01110 |
-| FATAN | arctan (radians) | 01111 01110 |
-| FSINPI | sin times pi | 01000 01111 |
-| FCOSPI | cos times pi | 01001 01111 |
-| FTANPI | tan times pi | 01011 01111 |
-| FASINPI | arcsin / pi | 01100 01111 |
-| FACOSPI | arccos / pi | 01101 01111 |
-| FATANPI | arctan / pi | 01111 01111 |
-| FSINH | hyperbolic sin (radians) | 10000 01110 |
-| FCOSH | hyperbolic cos (radians) | 10001 01110 |
-| FTANH | hyperbolic tan (radians) | 10011 01110 |
-| FASINH | inverse hyperbolic sin | 10000 01111 |
-| FACOSH | inverse hyperbolic cos | 10001 01111 |
-| FATANH | inverse hyperbolic tan | 10011 01111 |
+| fsin(s) | sin (radians) | 01000 01110 |
+| fcos(s) | cos (radians) | 01001 01110 |
+| ftan(s) | tan (radians) | 01011 01110 |
+| fasin(s) | arcsin (radians) | 01100 01110 |
+| facos(s) | arccos (radians) | 01101 01110 |
+| fatan(s) | arctan (radians) | 01111 01110 |
+| fsinpi(s) | sin times pi | 01000 01111 |
+| fcospi(s) | cos times pi | 01001 01111 |
+| ftanpi(s) | tan times pi | 01011 01111 |
+| fasinpi(s) | arcsin / pi | 01100 01111 |
+| facospi(s) | arccos / pi | 01101 01111 |
+| fatanpi(s) | arctan / pi | 01111 01111 |
+| fsinh(s) | hyperbolic sin (radians) | 10000 01110 |
+| fcosh(s) | hyperbolic cos (radians) | 10001 01110 |
+| ftanh(s) | hyperbolic tan (radians) | 10011 01110 |
+| fasinh(s) | inverse hyperbolic sin | 10000 01111 |
+| facosh(s) | inverse hyperbolic cos | 10001 01111 |
+| fatanh(s) | inverse hyperbolic tan | 10011 01111 |